27 April 2014

Anchor Chart ROUND UP!

Hey everyone! Karen here from Mrs. Jones's Kindergarten

The year seems to be winding down for many of us (okay I still have over 40 days left... but let's not get picky), so I thought I would do a little anchor chart recap from the year!

Now first, let's be honest. If you are OCD like me, you have a love/hate relationship with anchor charts. Hate when you have to do the hurryletmedrawthisrealquick one when you are with your class of sweeties  {Because when you are sitting in front of 21 five year olds, you have about 3.5 seconds to draw something semi-normal looking} and LOVE when you can then revisit said anchor chart AFTERSCHOOL and make it all presentable and post-worthy. Right? Or am I the only crazy that does this?

Anywhoo, here are some of my favorites from my classroom this year!

Let's start by taking it back to the beginning... September writer's workshop!

Remember fall? Ahh....

Learning how to read is serious business!
(...And I KNOW, I KNOW... "Independent" is spelled wrong! I did fix it! This is what happens when a teacher has ADD! :) )

Our writer's workshop unit showed that little people have BIG opinions!

Who knew that one letter could sound so different?

Setting goals and kicking their butts!

As we wind down the year... we become authors of non-fiction books ...our definite fav!

...And work on digraphs and blends in phonics! Word.

I hope you enjoyed some of my favorites from the year! {And tell me you are an anchor chart OCD'er too?!}


  1. I love how cute yet helpful these are!! I like the writing goals one the best. I need to start using these in my class more often!

  2. I love all of your charts!! Can you come and make some for me ;)

  3. Great post, Karen. I love anchor charts, and usually end up redoing them after school, too.


  4. Thanks for sharing this! I love to see anchor charts made by other teachers. :) I shared this on my blog's FB page for you. ;) If you get a chance, please check out my blog!
    Daisy Days for Learning

  5. OMG I thought I was the only crazy to re-write my charts!!! None of my K colleagues do :)

  6. I love that your charts are interactive too!

  7. I love your Anchor Charts! I re-write my charts, too! So excited to read your next post!

  8. Karen - Your anchor charts are always amazing!! Thanks for sharing!
    Kennedy's Korner

  9. What an awesome way to set benchmark goals....can't wait to try my own charts. Thanks!!!
