02 April 2014

Got Spring Fever?!? We've got you covered!

Hi everyone...Vicky here from Teaching and Much Moore and I'm so giddy over being a part of this amazing group.  Well first off don't be mad...but I'm on spring break and yep I am on my second week of it.  It's been wonderful and PEACEful...and QUIET!!!  Most work days - some days at work aren't quite like that. I'm here to give you some tips and tricks to get you through spring fever in your classroom.  Your kiddos love you and have become comfortable with you and each other...they tend to ignore... forget the rules a bit this time of year.  So ~  I have some ideas up my sleeve to help a sista { or brother } out!
First off a few years back I posted an idea that came to me in the middle of the night... I called it the Fancy Desk.  This is what it looked like in it's early stages...

You can read all about it {here} The quick version is that I would randomly pick a student that was working quietly throughout the day to sit there.  It had fresh new markers/pencils and other goodies + a really cool seat cushion and all that fanciness.  I mean what student wouldn't want to hang out there for an hour?!?  I might change that student out throughout the day every hour or so and they LOVED it.
Maybe you don't have the space in your classroom for that ~  well how about a classroom reward incentive?  I just finished up my Smile Tiles this past week and they have been a hit!  Here's what teachers are doing with them...
They can earn these tiles that easily fit on a necklace that focus on: sitting quietly on the rug,  being quiet in the assembly, or hallway  being helpful, or a good friend  ,working hard in math  ,getting 100% on their spelling test and much 'moore'!  { Did you see what I did there?  LOL }
We are so lucky here at the Primary Chalkboard because we have so many great minds thinking and collaborating so I have some other fun ideas for you to check out as well:
Here are the links for you:  



Another fun idea for whole class incentive:  Each month I pick a different foam sticker item to BUILD.  When everyone is working quietly I walk up to the board very quietly and 'add' a piece.  When it's all built we earn a class party, it looks something like this:
This month we will be building an easter egg with lots of fun decorations on it.
I hope these are helpful to you I'm sure this has never happened to you...

Just kidding!!!  But we all have days when it seems like the ENTIRE class is misbehaving.  Can I hear an AMEN?!!?  If that is happening in your classroom right now try one of the above asap..if that doesn't work have a night out and maybe a glass of wine. :o)  Happy Spring my friends!
Hugs, Vicky


  1. I love the Fancy Desk idea! Of course, Smile Tiles are a favorite in our house! :)


  2. Thanks Cherie...and your little guy is just too cute!

  3. Omg, I forgot about the fancy desk!! I remember when you first posted about it. I may have to rig something up in my classroom! Mahalo for the great ideas!

    1. Aww thanks Corinna! Now that I have 28 students instead of 20 I don't have the room? :o( But our district is commited to going back down at least to 23 and losing a student each year...yay for that idea. :o)

  4. Thanks Alicia, if you try it let me know. :o)

  5. Vicky, never have heard of the fancy desk. My wheels are turning about where I can squeeze that it. My kids would love it. Also love the thematic "build a whatever" behavior incentive for the class. So creative and clever. Love your post of great ideas :)


    1. Thank you Nicole...that Fancy Desk is an oldie but a goodie. :o)

  6. We love having you as part of our PC family! :-) What cute ideas, Vicky! I love the idea of a fancy desk. I would never have thought of that and I really love the smile tiles. I can def incorporate that into my classroom routine especially in these last few weeks of school. Thank you for the great ideas and links! Love this!

  7. LOVE everything about this post!!!!! Awesome ideas :) Thanks so much!!!

    Big Hugs

  8. I've never heard of the Fancy Desk!! Love it!!
