09 August 2014

Labeling your tables!

Hey friends! Jessica here from Second Grade Nest. 

How do you guys label your tables? 
I've always had the hanging tissue paper puffs with the owl sign that says what table they are sitting at.
I do know that some schools don't allow hanging from the ceiling because of fire laws and what not. So I'd love to know what you do! 

This is how I've always done mine!
BUT I know that teachers are spending a LOT of money right now and these puffs are just another puchase. So, I am showing you guys how to create them on your own! 

If you click here, you will find a blog post on how I used Dollar Tree tissue paper and Dollar Tree bobby pins to create mine. Granted, they aren't as cute as the ones from Party City or Hobby Lobby, but they are around $5 or LESS!! 

Thanks for reading this sweet and simple tip!


  1. I love these! Your homemade puffs are puffier than my Party City puffs! I'm using paper lanterns this year over the kids' desks, and I have puffs over my kidney table. In the past, when I couldn't hang anything, I used star cutouts with a magnet on the back and stuck them to the ceiling. It worked, but wasn't nearly as cute!
