13 January 2015

Note Taking in Science and Social Studies with a Freebie!

Hello Again Friends!

This is Jen Bengel from Out of This World Literacy.  I hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying the first few weeks back after their holiday break!

I wanted to share a couple of note taking templates I put together.  I homeschool my kids and needed something to help my fifth grader keep track of his learning in both science and social studies.

This is my son, Greyson.  He is a bit of a goofball and would prefer spending his time playing minecraft and having neighborhood nerf wards over studying science and social studies!

So, I created these note taking templates for him.  So far, they are working great for him!

Like many students his age, my son needed more structure than to be told, 'take notes.'

I hope you can find some use for these in your classroom too!

Best wishes!
Jen Bengel
Out of This World Literacy


  1. At that age it's hard to take notes, and this guided worksheet is fabulous! Downloaded and looking forward to using it in my class. :)

    Fishing for Education Blog

  2. Meetings provide an opportunity to discuss important issues of a situation and, the discussions of the meeting, issues discussed, and the decisions are noted in writing in the meeting note. It is always good to have a written record of everything that you have discussed in the meeting. However taking notes everytime you goto meeting without a proper format is hard. Therefore usage of a Meeting Note Template could come handy.
