27 December 2013

Hello 2014! Let's Get Healthy!!

Hi friends! It's Laura from Peace, Love, and First Grade.
     Thanks so much for stopping by The Chalkboard!

 Disclaimer: This is a post about strengthening your immune system.
I do not profess to be a medical professional.
I am simply sharing teachers' suggestions for living a healthier lifestyle.

Stay with me, friends. There's a freebie at the end!

Over the last two years, I have had the stomach virus twice,
a few sinus infections, Bronchitis two times, and Walking Pneumonia. 
Remember, I'm not a new teacher, either...
Frankly, I'm sick of being sick!
Obviously, my Immune System is shot! 
Well, let me tell you something, I want 2014 to be different,
and I know it's up to me to boost my system!

SO...I asked some of my blogging pals and teacher friends
what they did to stay healthy in the classroom.
I've compiled their answers right here.
One list is for things you can do at home
and another for things you can do at school.
Hopefully, if you are in the same boat I'm in,
we can toughen up before that boat sinks!

What You Can Do at Home
Let's be honest, we all know we shouldn't smoke.
We should eat our fruits and veggies,
and we should limit alcohol intake, right?

But what else can we do?

1-Take your vitamins

2-Take probiotics. Ask your doctor for the right one for you.
3-Vitamin C every day

4-Get plenty of rest and sleep

5-Drink tons of water

6-Drink green tea daily, cranberry juice, or vitamin water
7-Eat a clean diet (so hard to do)
8-Exercise regularly (even harder to do)
9-Get about 20 minutes of  fresh air and sunshine daily. You need the Vitamin C.
10-Use saline solution or a saline rinse before you leave your house and before bed.
My doctor recommended Simply Saline.


11-Throw away your tooth brush after you are sick.
Do this with your family members' brushes, too.

12-Change your pillow case every single day when you are sick.

13-When you feel yourself getting sick, take something like Emergen-C or Colloidal Silver.
14-Take a steam shower at least twice a week. All those flu germs can't survive in really high temps.

15-Cut out the stress from your life. Okay...we teach. At least find the time to relax!

16-Don't always bundle up inside. Bare skin in the elements helps build your immune system. Who knew?

17-Make time for yourself. Once a week, find time to do something you enjoy.
18-Get organized. If you aren't already. This helps alleviate stress.
19-Learn to say, "No." You don't have to do it all. You don't.
20-Several teachers swear by "juicing," too. Link below.

Things You Can do in the Classroom
1-This one is a pet peeve with me.
Teach your students to cough and sneeze into their sleeves, NOT THEIR HANDS.
Makes me cringe when I see teachers coughing into their hands.

2-Don't touch your face and (try to) teach children not to touch their faces.
3-Use hand sanitizer before touching your skin ALL DAY LONG.

4-Use a cup with a lid. Keep it away from kiddos.

5-Use your own pencils, markers, etc.
Try not to touch kid pencils, etc. or sanitize right after using.

6-Use your own tissue box, separate from the kiddos.
7-Use anti-bacterial wipes on all surfaces touched by kiddos or spray with Lysol. (keyboards, door handles, light switches).
8-Have students blow their noses by the door.
Have them put their tissues in a trash can by the door, then use hand sanitizer.

9-Have students get hand sanitizer before guided reading,
reading books in the class library, or using math manipulatives.

10-Wear a small apron filled with YOUR supplies.
Don't share those supplies with the kiddos. 

I set up a "Get Well Station" in my classroom.
I keep tissues, hand sanitizer, and a trash bin next to the door.
Students blow their noses, drop tissues in the trash,
get some hand sanitizer, THEN walk to the sink to wash their hands.
Is it overkill?? Maybe, but we need to stay well!

I hope you've found something here to help you stay well in 2014!
If you have anything to add, I'd love to hear it and will add it above.
Thanks so much for sticking with me!

Here's a little freebie for you if you decide to set up a "Get Well" Station.
Click the pic to download.

Links to Teacher Recommended Products


  1. Thanks for sharing all the great tips!!


    1. You are welcome, Jamie! Hope some of them prove to be helpful!
      Happy New Year!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This post is wonderful. Thanks for sharing the ideas. The get well station is a great idea and what an adorable sign.
    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

    1. Hey, Laura! You are more than welcome! We seriously do whatever it takes!! Enjoy the sign and Stay Healthy!
      Happy New Year!!

  4. adorable-so much common sense stuff that sometimes we forget during the day with our littles!

    1. You are right, Christy! It's so easy to forget! I'm going to have to make a conscious effort to put these ideas into practice!! Happy New Year to you!

  5. Thank you for the great ideas. I would like to add to your list. I believe that going regularly to my chiropractor helps too. I very rarely have to take a sick day. I went all year last year and so far this year without being sick. Liz in South Dakota
