Primary Chalkboard: What Happens in Vegas...

What Happens in Vegas...

They say "What Happens in Vegas...Stays in Vegas", but we tend to disagree.  So many friendships were created, rekindled, or continued to grow; so much learning took place and served as a springboard for so much more learning; so much fun was had and the memories will be with us in our hearts; and as we know TPT will continue to grow and spread throughout the world.

So at the end of this post, we want you to finish this statement in your own words.

Where Are You From? 
This was one of the most asked questions during the conference.  We thought we would show you where our homes are.

Learning, Presenting,Volunteering, and More
Several of the members of Primary Chalkboard presented at SDE and/or TPT conferences over this past week.  Some of our members volunteered at other booths and some had their own booths.

Fun, Fun, and More Fun!
We had so much fun this week!  Emma even got to have her very first Starbucks!

Paul Swag
 If you remember last year, Heather came up with the idea of Paul on a Stick.  Well, never to be outdone, this year she and Jen were the proud sponsors of "Paul Swag".  Of course, Paul was not to be outdone and seemed to have fun joining in.

and without all of the fun with Jen and Heather, we're pretty sure Paul wouldn't have run to jump in this impromptu picture.

 Anna's Boo-Boo
Sadly, Anna got a little excited about the photo op and jumped up and landed wrong, resulting in this...

Anna assures us she will be healed very soon!
And at least it gave Paul a comfy place to sit.

 A Special Celebration
On Thursday night we gathered together for a group dinner, but it was also a very special celebration.  Last year, our sweet Alyssha was expecting her first child and now our wonderful Naomi is expecting.  We had so much fun celebrating both babies and both mommies.
(and we loved the cake from Carlo's Bakery!)

Plus, we found out that apparently John loves cake!

The keynote was filled with tears and laughter.  Rachel Lynette personally moved me to tears and we LOVED celebrating Amy's birthday with her.
We were so honored to receive shout-outs!  Who, didn't get a chuckle at Heather sleeping with her Paul pillow?  AND did you notice our sweet Susanna's clip art of Paul, Adam, and Amy?  She's so talented!
Of course, I absolutely loved being acknowledged by our winner of our "Picture Yourself in Vegas" giveaway, Erika Bell of Inside Bell's Brain.

Our Founder, Paul
All of us are so thankful that Paul had the vision to create Teachers Pay Teachers.  We know that we are better teachers because of it...we are thankful to be able to easily put our hands on amazing resources...and we are thankful to each an ever opportunity that has resulted because of his insight and forethought.   

 Friends, Friends, and More Friends
We loved meeting new people and reconnecting with people we met last year.  Being friends and meeting new friends was! 

So Much Fun!
We had an absolute blast in Vegas and are counting down to next year! 

 It's Not Good-bye
If your face looks like this because all of the fun is over, just remember...

Thank you to Educlips, Whimsy Workshop Teaching, and Hello Fonts by Jen Jones for their adorable clipart and fonts.



  1. This post makes me so happy! What an incredible week. I miss my Chalkies already!

  2. Love this! I had such an amazing week connecting with so many talented and inspirational people!

  3. This post was a great insight of the fun that was happening. It was exciting to meet so many of you and be part of a wonderful phenomenon that is changing the world. Yea TpT! Sad that this only happens once a year.

    1. I am sad it only happens once a year, too!

  4. LOVE THIS!!! I had an incredible time with all of y Chalkie LOVES! Can't wait until next year!!!

  5. It's for Premium Sellers at TPT. You'll need to sign up!

  6. Yes I second Katie - BEST week EVER!! xo

  7. Great post! It was nice to relive this again just a few short days after it ended. It was very inspiring.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Amazing job Cyndie!!! I love all my chalkie friends so much and cherish my Vegas memories!

  10. Love our Chalkie Family SOOOO much!!! What a fabulous post, my friend!

  11. I love that you all are so close! I sure hope someday I can be there with you all:)
    The Schroeder Page

  12. Looks like you guys had a great time! Thanks for sharing!

    Teaching Tidbits and More with Jamie

  13. I've never before met people who are as kind and giving - not just to other Chalkies, but to everyone!! Becoming a Chalkie has added so much joy to my life! Amazing post, Cyndie!!

  14. This looks wonderful! I feel so sad for Anna!I have done that and it sure is painful! I'm so glad you all had a wonderful time! I know I did too!

  15. Love the quote at the end! It was a great week and I enjoyed meeting so many of you. :)

  16. We so enjoyed meeting many Chalkies this year!!! Your Vegas Recap is awesome Cyndie and LOOOOOVE the quote!♥♥♥

  17. Amazing post!!! It was AWESOME meeting all of you fab Chalkies in person - seriously just the sweetest girls!! Had a great time with you guys!

  18. Great memories! Such inspiring teachers!!

    Terri Izatt
