Primary Chalkboard: Who Wants to Go to VEGAS?!?!

Who Wants to Go to VEGAS?!?!

 Have you ever been to VEGAS?!?!?!
Sparkling lights, amazing sights, and delicious bites...can't you just picture yourself in VEGAS?


Well Primary Chalkboard and SDE are giving you a chance to visit LAS VEGAS!

That's right!  Primary Chalkboard and SDE are giving away your choice of any SDE session in Vegas.

But that's not all, we're also giving away a $25 gift card to the Crystal Springs Bookstore, so you can have a little something to take home with you!

Still, that's not all!  Primary Chalkboard is also giving you $300 in cash to help pay for your transportation, room, food, or whatever expenses you have!

NOW can you "Picture Your Selfie" in VEGAS?

I'll bet you're asking yourself how can you enter to win this fabulous prize, right?

Well, here's how to do just that.

Each of us has a "tip" for visiting Las Vegas.  You simply visit and "like" each page below.
On each tip, you will find a card and on that card is a number.  Keep track of those numbers and add them together.  You will enter that on the Rafflecopter below.

You can also get an additional entry by posting a selfie on Instagram holding a sign telling us why you want to come to Vegas.   
Be sure to use #primarychalkboardsendmetovegas so it will count.

We hope we see YOU in VEGAS!



  1. Thank you so very, very much for this wonderful opportunity to win! Such a lovely thing you've done here and it's much appreciated. Even if I don't win - I'll live vicariously through all of your exciting pictures and posts. ONE day I WILL go...mark my words! ENJOY and thanks again -- you all are truly AWESOMELY inspiring!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. Are we still allowed to enter if we don't have a blog?

  3. Thanks for the opportunity! I hope I did this right lol!!

    See you in Vegas!

    Kelli Love

  4. I visited all the FB pages and tried to add up the cards, but several people didn't have a post up, so I just added up what I could find. :-( Fingers crossed that I win! :-) I want to go to I Teach K!!!

    Growing Little Minds

    1. No worries, Erica :) We are aware of a few missing posts. Thanks for entering.

    2. I was going to ask the same thing right now, because I entered and now there's a new post up with another number. Thanks Nicole for the response.

  5. So exciting! Thank you for the chance to win this! I would love to attend one of the SDE sessions in Vegas! I went to the Extraordinary Teachers Conference in Chicago a couple of years ago and it was AMAZING! Keeping my fingers crossed! :)
    Miss King's Enchanted Kingdom

  6. Thank you for this amazing giveaway! I love that teacher bloggers are so generous!

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  8. Thank you for this opportunity! I would love to meet you all and bring back some new creative ideas!

  9. I entered the sum, but couldn't find cards on The Schroeder Page or Funky Fresh Firsties. Fingers are crossed!!! #primarychalkboardsendmetovegas

  10. This is such an AMAZING opportunity, and what a GENEROUS giveaway!!!!!! :) I had the pleasure of meeting some of you at the French Lick Blogger Meet Up, but would love to meet ALL of you!!!!! I would LOVE to listen to the presenters share their creative teaching ideas and tips! It would make the beginning of the school year that much more exciting to be able to share and implement the information from the conference!!!! Thank you Primary Chalkboard, for inspiring me to pay it forward more often!!!! Good luck to EVERYONE who entered and Happy Easter!!!!! :) :) :)

  11. I just want to say that I am following read like a rock star on IG, but I typed my username wrong into the rafflecopter. It should be alliesaur_3 and I accidentally left off the _3

    Also, I could not find the "tips" cards on Mr. Hughe's or Schroeder's pages... But I DID visit everybody! :)

    This is the COOLEST giveaway EVER!!! #primarychalkboardsendmetovegas

  12. Vegas is just amazing. My dream was to go to Vegas and last year I did it. I went there with couple of my friends and we had a great time. It is exactly how they describe it in the movies. We booked a great room in Wynn with Reservation Counter. I will definitely go there again someday!

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  14. If you’re considering travel plans or just want to ensure everything’s in check, remember that online doctor consultation in UAE can be a convenient way to get medical advice without leaving your home. Enjoy the excitement of your Vegas plans while keeping your health in mind!
