Primary Chalkboard: ipads
Showing posts with label ipads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ipads. Show all posts

Back to School IPAD Apps

Hi everyone!
Its Latoya over at Flying into First Grade !!!
I am here to share with you some apps that could be useful for the beginning of the year but also throughout the year.
I had the honor of attending a SEE math conference for 2 weeks this summer.  They gave us so many resources and manipulatives.  The best gift was the free IPAD I received during the training.  We learned aboiut many apps that can be used in the classroom.  You will find my favorite 4 apps that I learned below!!!

Here is a quick example I found on youtube!


Here is a quick example I made!!!

Here is an example that I created in the training.

Here is just a quick example I did last night.
Now Im off to go pack up my classroom so I can move!!!!

FREE Books With The EPIC App!

Hi everyone,

This is Valerie from All Students Can SHINE. I'm here to show you an awesome app.

I just LOVE finding new apps for our iPads! My students get SO excited when I show them a new app because it keeps them on their toes and they never get bored with the same apps. This week, I was browsing the app store and found this AMAZING tool!
Best part? It is FREE for TEACHERS!
What is better than a FREE app for your classroom?!
Well, maybe chocolate... with wine! Hahaha!

The app is called EPIC! and is jam packed with THOUSANDS of books that can be streamed in seconds. Kids can read books over and over without waiting for them to download. They can also have books read to them, which is GREAT for our beginning readers!

Epic has a bunch of awesome features like the "read to me" tool, categories for easy searching, reading logs,
and rewards for reading motivation.
They also provide a letter for parents, so you can ask them to join at home. The app is not free for parents but is SUPER cheap!
TOTALLY worth it, in my books ;)

Go check it out for yourself and test it with your students!

Later gators,
