Primary Chalkboard: Halloween Spider Sort ~ Vowel Sorting *Freebie*

Halloween Spider Sort ~ Vowel Sorting *Freebie*

Hey Chalk Talkers!
Christy & Tammy here from Fluttering Through First Grade.

Do you like spiders? 
We tend to find them all over our classroom throughout the school year.
We have our students on high spider alert at times, just to be safe.
Upon "spider siren" (think shrieking, ear piercing voices yelping, "Spider! Spider!"), we whisk on over with a paper towel so we can carefully "relocate" them upon discovery. :)

This time of year is a perfect time however to allow our eight legged friends to stick around class awhile.
Our boys love this activity and our girls don't mind it either, as one so eloquently informed us, "because the spiders are on paper and not in the Legos". We took that as a compliment coming from our two legged friend.
*Directions for use
*1 Recording Page
*2 Sorting Mats
*10 Short Vowel Cards
*10 Long Vowel Cards
*4 Blank Cards 

Here's a sneak peek at a few of the printable pages...

Click {here} to find it in our TpT Shop. Enjoy!
We'd love for you to follow our store and leave some feedback if you decide to download. 
 If you're just dropping by Primary Chalkboard for the first time this week, make sure you head back over to Tuesday's Post to check out our 
Monsterous Giveaway!
We're offering our  
 in the First Grade Bundle.

There are tons of great units up for grabs, 
plus a Mega Prize Pack that we wish we could enter ourselves! 
So, please enter and win for us so we can say we know the winner! :)
Click {here} to enter.
Good luck!

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