Primary Chalkboard: #secondgradenest
Showing posts with label #secondgradenest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #secondgradenest. Show all posts

4th of July Fun at Home

Hey guys! It's Jessica from Second Grade Nest. I am coming to you today with ideas on making 4th of July memorable for your children. From crafts to snacks to summer learning, here are some fun and exciting things that I think your children will really love. 

 Need crafty ideas?
 Are you entertaining children at your house for a 4th of July party? Want to keep the kids occupied and leave many fun memories that will stick with them? As a child, I always went to summer camp, which was filled with arts and crafts. Doing summer crafts is a fond memory of mine!
(Source: Mess for Less)

Teaching summer school? All year round? Want summer learning for your children?
This may not be the most popular idea to have your children working over the summer, but for those rocking moms and dads who may want to have an educational morning, these ideas are for you! Or if you are a teacher in the middle of summer school or year round school, here are a few ideas for you, too!
Here are my fictional and nonfictional stories about Fourth of July!
 Here is Autumn's Watch, Think, Color for patriotism! This could be a fun morning activity done on the computer. 
Or how about Vicky's $1 product that gives kids a glimpse of their country with facts? 

Need snack ideas?
This may not be teaching related, but these Pinterest finds are TOO much fun to pass up. Check these out and let us know if you plan to try any!
(Source: DIY Ready)

Need night time activities without fireworks? 
Sparklers were about the extent of my firework abilities until the age of 16. Kids want in on the action at night, but at such a young age, they are limited to what they can do. So why not make some fun games for them to play after the sun sets so they feel like they can join in on the 4th of July nighttime fun?
(Source: Create Craft Love

Want more summer fun? Check out my June and July Pinterest board here!

 Thanks for reading!