Primary Chalkboard: Veteran's Day
Showing posts with label Veteran's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veteran's Day. Show all posts

Veteran's Day Activities with Mrs. Russell

Happy Veteran's Day to all who have served and continue to serve! :)  You are so loved and appreciated! :)  I wanted to share with you some of what I did with my little learners to introduce the concept of Veteran's Day!
First up...
We read the book 
A dear friend of mine is a Veteran and partners up with me to teach phonics, so I had her talk about her experiences in the army and read the story to my firsties!
We got misty! :) 
Such a sweet story! :)
Next up, we worked on printables from my Veteran's Day freebie! :)
We brainstormed about veterans based on our in class interview and the book we read.
*I thought it was adorable that several of my girls decided to make the clip art boy into a girl! :)*

We practiced this fluency passage I put together for them! :)
I went over the comprehension questions too, to help them add to their background knowledge about Veterans.  This is the 'mid' version.  I have an easier version and a more challenging version that I will send home too.  I didn't include those in the pack.  I think I'm going to just make a bundle of the ones I've made this year into a whole pack! :)  The kids really love them!!

Next, we used the organizer to help us put together a 'quick write' on veterans.

Student Text: Veterans are heroes.  They wear uniforms. They have a home.  They could be in the army.  They could fight. They are amazing heroes.

Text: Veterans are helpful and does a lot of dangerous jobs in the army.  They have a strong heart.  They love their families.
I was really excited about how well they did.  Typically, we take several days to publish something.  These were all published in one day! :)

In the afternoon, I used the math sheets in the pack to review some previously taught skills! :)

We had a really good time using these printables! :)
If you'd like a copy of them for your room, please click HERE to download the freebie! :)

I also have a super cute craftivity for Memorial Day that I enjoyed using with my kiddos last year! :)

You can check that out on TPT by clicking HERE.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! :)

Tamara from
Mrs. Russell's Room-First Grade