Primary Chalkboard: Centers
Showing posts with label Centers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Centers. Show all posts

Sight Word Activities

5 Sight Word Activities that are FUN

Hi there, it's Emma from Clever Classroom.

I love creating resources that are a bit different and require an element of interaction, movement and fun.  You can view the interactive/hands-on resources in my store

This post has inexpensive center ideas that can not only be used with sight words, but with any word list. 

 Are you always on the look out for cheap and also recyclable materials for your students?  I love collecting and using inexpensive props for hands-on literacy activities.

Bottle tops and ping pong balls fall in to this category! There are so many things you can do with both bottle tops and ping-pong balls.

5 Sight Word Activities that are FUN

Use ping pong balls or bottle top lids to create fun, hands-on sight word centers.

Ask staff and students to bring in clean bottle tops.  You could hold a table competition to see who brings in the most tops.  Collect them in a container and write on the top of each lid with a permanent marker.

You can use any word list for the 5 activities mentioned below.

5 Sight Word Activities that are FUN

1. 5 Sight Word Activities that are FUN: Egg Carton Shake read Write

2. 5 Sight Word Activities that are FUN: Hockey Word Challenge

 I have created a whole bunch of bottle top activities with record sheets and instruction cards, all of which can be used with any word list. 

Bottle Cap Center Games for any Word List BUNDLE

3. 5 Sight Word Activities that are FUN: Count Toss and Record

4. 5 Sight Word Activities that are FUN: Blow your Lid

5. 5 Sight Word Activities that are FUN: Woggle

Find more of these games in our Bottle Top Games bundle.

For even more sight word ideas, see my blog post.

Thanks for dropping by.

Emma Farrell - Clever Classroom


Celebrating Easter in the Classroom

Hi friends! It's Haley from My Silly Firsties! I wanted to stop by and share a little bit of Easter fun we have had and things we will be doing for the rest of the week! :) I have babies of many different religions in my room so I definitely keep it very non-religious! We still have tons of fun though! 

First, we did a fun little skip counting activity! We are working hard skip counting by 2s and immediately I thought of bunny ears! We used Jennifer's directed drawing. First, I showed them how to do it once. Then I gave them a LONG sheet of butcher paper and let them go to town!

Then they skip counted above the bunnies to count the ears! It really helped solidify not counting each ear, but counting by 2s to make it more efficient!

We had state testing today and it was a LONG day for us. My babies had to be quiet and that just does NOT come natural to them, hahaha. I needed a fun "break" this afternoon that would still let them practice their writing! We did this precious craftivity from Cupcake and I'm so glad we did!! I barely ever do crafts where they just cut/glue but it was too cute to pass up. Plus, like I said, I just needed a break, haha!

 A few years ago, I made this simple little write the room freebie that you could easily print and use this week!

I also made these SUPER fun math and literacy centers! My sweeties LOVE them! I can't wait to use these this week! You can click the pictures to see it on TPT! :)

Here are some of my favorite Easter read-alouds!

And finally, if you want some more holiday ideas, be sure to follow my holiday board on Pinterest!

I hope everyone has a fabulous Easter! I'd love to know how you celebrate!


Apples Ideas With Jessica and Faith

Do you need a few more ideas and things to add to your lesson plans for next week?
Well, it's Apple Week here at Primary Chalkboard.
We are going to share 5 fabulous ideas that we found or created that we think you will enjoy!

#1 - Math Apple Fun
Here's a freebie from Faith that includes one addition sheet and one subtraction sheet.  These can be used as morning work, homework, or a quick fluency quiz.

#2 - 2 Freebie Apple Math Centers
Here's a freebie from Jessica that covers addition and subtraction in a fun way.  For addition, she included Spin-a-Sum and for subtraction, she threw in Match-a-Difference.  

#3 - Apple Craftivity
This is a cute, but simple activity you can do with your class.  We looked for where the post originated from, but couldn't find it.  Feel free to let us know if it is yours.  We definitely want to give credit.

Apple activity with sight words (doesn't go to link for activity.  Pin for visual idea)

#4 - Johnny Appleseed
This is a fun little craft to do when teaching about Johnny Appleseed.  Click on the picture to go read more about it.

#5 - Johnny Appleseed Part II
We LOVED this little paper plate craft.  This will be a fun activity to do with your class as a Fun Friday activity or to do just for fun.

Alright, now it's your turn.  Feel free to link up some apple freebies that you have created or found.  We look forward to checking them out.