Primary Chalkboard: crafts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts

Halloween Lanterns-Easy Tutorial!

Happy Friday, friends!
It's Laura from Peace, Love, and First Grade!
We've been busy getting our room ready for spooky season!
We've made bats, and spiders, and some fun Halloween lanterns!
We chose jacks, ghosts, and Frankensteins for our lanterns.
Here's a peek at our lantern making!

 You will need:
*construction paper- 
9" x 12" orange, green, or white 
black strips long enough to cut handles
*black markers or crayons (if you want faces)
*tape or staples

Here are the steps:
Step 1:  Place a piece of 9" x 12" construction paper on the table lengthwise. Draw a face in the middle of the page. We made jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, and Frankensteins. If you don't want faces, skip this step. 

Step 2: Fold the paper in half lengthwise.

Step 3: Use a ruler and draw a straight line about 1/2" inch from the top of the unfolded edge. Pic below.

Step 4: Cut straight lines from the folded edge to the pencil line on the unfolded edge.

Step 5: Open the paper.  It should look like the pic below. I had kids write their names on it then. 

Step 6: Roll the paper into a tube. Pic below.
Tape or staple the ends. You could glue but taping allows you to keep working. 

Once taped, the lanterns will look like this.

They turn out so cute!

Click here for my original post for jack-o-lanterns on vines.

 I hope you're having fall weather in your neighborhood!
Love the feeling of fall!
Have a wonderful weekend, friends!


Craft Tutorial: Easy Flower Rings

Hello again everyone! It's Susanna from Whimsy Workshop Teaching, and today I'm sharing a little project I came up with that took my class by storm this year. I showed a few students how to make these little flower rings, and then sent them off to teach anyone else who wanted to learn (AFTER their work was done, of course!)

So if you're looking for something to keep little hands busy, this will do the trick. And they look so cute!

All you need is a pipe cleaner, a pencil (and some glue if you want to be all fancy about it!)

 All you do is wrap the pipe cleaner around a pencil and twist to make a loop. 

Do it again so the loops are right next to each other.


When you have five loops, bend them around so they look like a flower.There should be just enough pipe cleaner left to twist comfortably around your finger.  

I dropped a blob of glitter glue in the very middle of the flower pictured, but you could also add a bead, a jewel, a sequin, or how about a pom pom? 

Perfect for a craft center or early finishers. 
Once all of my students had made rings for ALL of their fingers, they started making rings for me. 

Trust me, I was seriously blinged out that day!

Let's Connect!

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Winter Art Tutorials

Hello Everyone!
I'm stopping by to share some quick 'n' easy art ideas to wrap up your winter classroom!

Just click on the pictures below to see a step-by-step tutorial on how to make these cuties!


Let's Connect!


Advent Calendar Day 6 - A Craft, A Freebie, And A SALE!

Hi everyone,

It's Valerie from All Students Can Shine
and I am here to bring you some fun treats for our
Advent Calendar Countdown!

Today, I'm sharing a craft tutorial, a freebie, and a sale!
Yay for holiday treats!!

Looking for a fun craft to make with your students? 

This snowflake is so EASY to make and the kids LOVE doing it every year!

I know it looks complicated but trust me when I say it is EASY!
I made them with my grade one class yesterday :)

You can follow my tutorial HERE.
I also left a FREE printable tutorial for you to take to your class :)

In case you haven't grabbed your holiday freebie yet,
check out my Holiday Coupon Book!

My Christmas printables will be a SALE all day today at 50% off!

Don't forget to check back with us tomorrow to see what goodies are up next!



Make a Christmas Gift with Your Students

Hi everybody!  This is Terry from Terry's Teaching Tidbits.  As we celebrate Thanksgiving in a few days and get ready to move on to Christmas, I wanted to share a fun holiday activity that you can make with your students.

At my school, we always have a holiday party on the last day before winter break.  In order to maintain some classroom management while celebrating, we usually like to have a craft or some type of activity for the kids to do to keep them occupied.

If you're looking for a fun, easy project to make with your students, I have the perfect one for you.  Years ago I found an adorable Christmas ornament project online and tried it with my class.  It worked out brilliantly!  You can have your students make these adorable ornaments and give them to their parents as a gift.
This makes a great gift because it's personal and it is a gift that their family can take out and see again each and every year.  My parents STILL have ornaments that I made in elementary school and I love looking back at them when I come home to visit all these years later.

Here's how to make them:

1.  Choose an ornament (it can be any color, but I liked blue because it made it look more like a snowman outside.

2.  Paint the palm of the child with white paint.  I used tempera paint.

3.  Have them hold the ornament in the palm of their hand, (not too tightly) with the bottom of the ornament in the middle of their palm.  The white area that is made by the palm of the hand will appear to be the snowy ground and each fingerprint represents an individual snowman.

4.  Once the paint has dried, provide Sharpies to decorate each fingerprint to resemble a snowman.  I added buttons, a scarf, eyes, nose, mouth, and top hat.

5.  Present the ornament as a gift and hang on the tree!  :)

I hope you like the idea!  I can't wait to see what other ideas people have to share for the holidays.  There are only a few more weeks left, so have a Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy New Year, and Happy any other holiday that you may be celebrating this season.  :)

~ Terry


Some Winter Fun

Hi Guys!
It's Faith from 1st Grade Fantabulous.  I'm not sure that you checked in the last few days, but we have had an awesome giveaway full of Martin Luther King Jr. products.  Well, my friend Latoya picked three winners yesterday.

The winners of our giveaway are:

Now, I don't know about you guys, but I LOVE Pinterest ideas and freebies, but this time of year it is hard to make time to go see what is out there.  Winter seems to leave me a little tired and at times unmotivated.  So, I visited the Primary Chalkboard (PC) blogs and found some of my favorite January activities.  You can click on any of the pictures and it will take you to that PC blog so you can read about what they were doing.

#1 Homemade Snow

#2 Melted Snowman

#3 Snow Globe Writing

#4 Opposite Mittens

#5 Loco for Cocoa

#6 Painted Snowman

Alright friends, I hope you have a great night!  I'll be back next month to share some incredibly cool February ideas from some of my other PC friends.