Primary Chalkboard: giveaway
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Who Wants to Go to VEGAS?!?!

 Have you ever been to VEGAS?!?!?!
Sparkling lights, amazing sights, and delicious bites...can't you just picture yourself in VEGAS?


Well Primary Chalkboard and SDE are giving you a chance to visit LAS VEGAS!

That's right!  Primary Chalkboard and SDE are giving away your choice of any SDE session in Vegas.

But that's not all, we're also giving away a $25 gift card to the Crystal Springs Bookstore, so you can have a little something to take home with you!

Still, that's not all!  Primary Chalkboard is also giving you $300 in cash to help pay for your transportation, room, food, or whatever expenses you have!

NOW can you "Picture Your Selfie" in VEGAS?

I'll bet you're asking yourself how can you enter to win this fabulous prize, right?

Well, here's how to do just that.

Each of us has a "tip" for visiting Las Vegas.  You simply visit and "like" each page below.
On each tip, you will find a card and on that card is a number.  Keep track of those numbers and add them together.  You will enter that on the Rafflecopter below.

You can also get an additional entry by posting a selfie on Instagram holding a sign telling us why you want to come to Vegas.   
Be sure to use #primarychalkboardsendmetovegas so it will count.

We hope we see YOU in VEGAS!


Martin Luther King, Jr. Products Giveaway and Freebies!!!

Hi everyone!  It's Latoya from Flying into First Grade !!!

As you gear up for Martin Luther King, Jr. week with your kiddos we are happy to announce that The Primary Chalkboard is having a MLK, Jr. giveaway!!!  As you scroll down you will see many great products that you can win!!!  Check out the products below!!!
P.S. You will find some MLK, Jr. freebies too!!!
Good Luck!!!

Products You Can Win



Primary Chalkboard's BTS YouTube Party + Giveaway!

All of us at Primary Chalkboard wanted to do something BIG for back to school for you.

So, we decided to throw a party. Who doesn't LOVE a party? This isn't just any party. Get ready for this....

Yep. That's right. It's a YouTube party! Woo-hoo! We are so excited for you all to party with us. We've all made videos to share some of our favorite back to school tips and tricks.

 There are so many tips here -- organizational, DIY, helpful ideas-- lots of things you can do RIGHT NOW to make your back to school a little easier!  Take a break from reading blogs and see our tips come alive in our videos. Are you excited yet?

Well, time to get more excited. Yes, there's MORE!

We are having a huge GIVEAWAY!

Want to know what amazing prizes you can win? 

$100 Amazon Gift Card
$100 TeachersPayTeachers Gift Card
A fabulous Michael Kors bag (you know, the one you want but can't justify spending the money for)?

Ah-mazing. Now you're excited, right?

You can enter to win this right here!

Hold up now. There's MORE!

You can EVEN gain EXTRA entries in the giveaway by watching our videos and entering our SECRET WORDS into the Rafflecopter (but I know you were going to do that anyway, so... 2 birds, 1 stone).

We will be linking up 5-ish new videos every day this week... so you can come back, watch, and
enter every day!

You can come back every day this week to watch more fabulous videos and gain more entries!

Where do you start?  Click on the links below to watch the first videos. Don't forget to come back each time and enter the secret words into our rafflecopter.

Fran's Video is all about making those darling photo booth props!!!

Click her picture below!
We're kindly requesting that only the Chalkies link up to the InLinkz Link-Up below. All other links will be deleted.
Click below to see our other amazing videos!


Products We Love & A Lucky Day Giveaway

Guess What?!  TPT is having a SALE!!!  Woooohooooo!

TPT is celebrating 3,000,000 Teachers Strong!  Wow!  What a milestone...and we are lucky to be a part of it.

Fonts from Kimberly Geswein

Sooooooo...since we love our followers a whole bunch!

And....We also love TpT a whole bunch...

We decided to share some TpT love with 3 winners so they can have a BLAST shopping during the TPT Sitewide Sale!

It could be your Lucky Day!!!

Introducing our...
Credits: Graphics from the Pond, Kimberly Geswein, Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah

3 Followers will each win a $20 gift certificate to TpT!

How fun is that? See? We DO love you!

What can you spend it on?  Hmmm, we can give you a few ideas.  Check out all of these amazing resources from our wonderful group of Primary Chalkboard authors.

Click right on the picture to take you to that product on Teachers Pay Teachers or click on the link below to learn more about it on their blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Anna's blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Stacy's blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Corinna's blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Lisa's blog.

BRAG don't NAG - Such a cute way to shout out great classroom behavior and watch it multipy
Click {HERE} for more information on Katie's blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Nicole's blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Laura's blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Latoya's blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Jessica's blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Leslie's blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Deb's blog.

Click {HERE} for more information on Alyssha's blog.

All of our stores will be on sale for Teachers Pay Teachers site wide sale!!  Stretch those dollars and hopefully add a few more to spend! Just fill out the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Behavior Management {An Idea to Try Out Next Year}

Hey peeps... Stacy here from over at Funky Fresh Firsties with a short post today.  Can you believe that we are already half way done with February?  I am already counting down the days until summer {don't judge}.
I wanna chat today about behavior management in my first grade room.  I love that all teachers have a strength... it's really cool to watch that play out in a school setting.  I feel like my strength happens to be classroom management.  Some days teaching 1st grade feels a lot like herding cats... but it's nice to know that I am a good "herder" overall!  This is my 12th year and I have found that flexibility is key.  What worked last year might not be that great this year.  Last year I used Class Dojo and my kiddos ATE IT UP!  They would beg me to bring up the screen on the SMART board each day.  You can read more about Class Dojo from my guest post for Rachel Lynette at Minds in Bloom HERE.
This year though.. my firsties don't really dig it quite so much.  What has worked is a very visual behavior management tool that goes with us around the school and is also displayed  in the classroom!  
This is at the front of the classroom right next to the SMART board.  Each child has a magnet with their number on it {These come from Tea and Coffee... mine are lime and teal.}  This allows them to see exactly where they are for the day... and also allows for redemption.  I have found that redemption, or the idea that they can get back in my good graces, is a very powerful motivator this year.  I also make them move their magnets which also seems to be pretty powerful.  If they make it to the top of the chart... they are rewarded with 10 minutes of iPad time or computer time.  
When we travel in the hallways for our special classes or to/from lunch... we take our behavior stick that is painted with the same colors and each child has a clothespin with their name clipped.  I can quickly move them up or down depending on hallway behavior.  
 This also makes them accountable to other adults in the building (their lunch monitor, specials teacher, special education teacher, etc.).  To make the stick, you paint it with the colors you choose with acrylic paint and VOILA!  The green section in the middle should be the biggest section though!  I also separated my sections with mustache washi tape and sealed it with mod podge for extra durability.

I think the key is truly being flexible and finding what works for your kiddos.  I teach in a very disadvantaged area for sure and I think the key to my success with these children is that I am in... ALL the way in.  I know their family situations and it motivates me b/c of how I grew up.  I love these children and they know it.  I hug each and every one before I put them on the buses... regardless of what kind of day they had.  They also know that when they walk in the next day, they have a clean slate.

Lastly, and possibly most importantly, I do not yell.  Ever.  The logic behind that is... I know what many of them are going home to.  They are used to being yelled at.  Have they ever seen me upset?  Absolutely.  Do they know when I am disappointed?  Yes.  I tell them at the beginning of the year that we are a family and I truly mean it.  Each one of us plays a part and we all have a job to do.  We share each other's joy and pain.
I hope that you will have a great week with your kiddos.  I think Friday is supposed to be a full moon and Valentines Day {remember when I said herding cats earlier?}.  One last thing... I am going to be giving away a set of clothespins from Tea and Coffee to one of you!!!  Here's how to enter: leave a comment with your best behavior management tip.  I will let one of my little humans pick a name on Valentines Day!  Good luck!!!


Fire Safety Find, Tally & Graph Freebie!

Hi Folks!

Happy Fall!!!

Lisa here, over from Growing Firsties and I am hoping that your fall has been uber-enjoyable!!! I know we've been loving it here in Wisconsin! Blue skies, colorful trees, football, fire pit, a chill in the air...though I can't quite wear my beloved boots and scarves yet without sweating it up. Still loving it up!

I had to whip up a little Fire Safety Find, Graph & class is kind of addicted to them and has been asking for another one...

Here's a general fall one...

These Fall freebies of mine have also been pretty popular...feel free to snag them up by clicking each pic...

Don't forget to enter our...

which ends TONIGHT!!!

It is filled with ridiculously fabulous prizes and I wish IIIIII could enter I'd love to win that Ooh Baby bundle so badly!!!!!

Have a great Tuesday, everyone!
Smiles - Lisa 


MONSTERous Giveaway and A FREEBIE for the Fall from Latoya

This giveaway is so exciting.  There are going to be some happy people very soon!!!  I love this time of the year and I bet your kiddos do too!!!  I am posting my FREEBIE Fall Writing Center.  Your students will be able to complete a writing piece and a write the room activity.
Click the cover page to get your wonderFALL FREEBIE!!!

Contents Included

Fall Vocabulary Chart

 Sentence Frame Starters

Circle Map to Organize Writing

Fall Writing Paper with Picture Space

 Fall Writing Paper with no Picture Space

Write the Room Vocabulary Cards

 Write the Room Recording Sheet
Don't forget to enter the MONSTERous Giveaway by clicking on the button below!!!