Primary Chalkboard: Teacher to the Core
Showing posts with label Teacher to the Core. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teacher to the Core. Show all posts

Ideas to help your students get their classwork done!

The idea for the green pen comes from Amy Green.
  1. Teacher roams around with some green pens. 
  2. Completed work gets a green star. (In my class we do hearts.)
  3. Author of completed and accurate work can go on to other things of interest or take another green pen and go help/ look over the work of other friends in class!!!
  4. Kids become captivated by the idea of getting their hands on a greeen pen, so they start to work harder and faster. PLUS the kids work with more accuracy.  They know their FRIENDS are roaming the room, so they want to get their work done right.   ((((Teacher heaven- Am I right???? ))))
(((purchase a box of green pens from Office Max {here}))))

Want more amazing ideas?

 Want to grab these freebies?

Head over to Teacher to the Core 

and grab up some goodies!


Batty Art and Verbs- Freebie From Teacher to the Core

Well hello there! Are you a planner like me? I love looking forward! So even as I am making applesauce, I am planning for some October fun! 

This is a quick and easy art project that helps kids focus in on verbs and bats! Grab it now and put it in your “To Be Copied” pile. This is fast and easy to copy and make! No tracing.

This can be done as individual art or you can make a big bulletin board of the bats. This is how I did it in 2012….. Sorry about the fuzzy picture, this was back in the day.

And 2014….. Super Fun! Click {here} to see how easy it was to make the haunted house.

Want to grab the Freebie?
Get it


First Day of School Signs to Take a Picture With

The first day of school is so important. It sets the tone for the year. It’s also when parents decide if they can trust you to care for their babies! That's why I do my best to make a fun first impression! I leave lots of signs outside my door for the kids to pose with.

It sets the stage for the parents that before I even meet their child. Here is what it says about me:
  1. I have already prepared something fun and engaging to do while they wait to meet me!
  2. I care about the first day of school and I know it’s a big deal.
  3. I know photos are important and I’m available to take them.
  4. I’m accessible.
  5. (As they interact with me) I’m warm and open to listen and help.
  6. I’m willing to answer parent questions and sooth worried emotions.
I go out well before the bell rings and shake hands, answer questions, and of course take pictures. I think this first impression is the super important.
Plus, lets be honest, moms just want a cute Facebook and Instagram. She is already going to love you as all her pals comment on her cute kid and the cute sign they are holding.
You can download these "easy print"  signs Here
if you want to do something similar!
Slide1 Slide2 Slide3 Slide4 Slide5 Slide6 Slide7 Slide8 Slide9 Slide10 Slide11 Slide12 Slide13
I get a few printed on foam board at Staples for about $10 per board.
It saves your ink and the quality is unbelievable!Freebie to use for your back to school pictures



Teaching Kids about Bees- Freebie

Hello, Katie here form Teacher to the Core! Is there anything better than the Springtime? Yes, summer vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But for the moment the world is blossoming and so are our students!!!

 Bees are fascinating to children, thus making them the PERFECT material for reading, writing, close reading questions, and smart art!
Busy Bees Freebie From Teacher to the Core- Enjoy
The passage is about  a RR 16, Level H/I, and Grade level 2.0 with questions to test comprehension.  It’s a freebie for you!!! Enjoy my loves!
Download now new
If you would like to buy this unit it is on TpT. You can click {here}.

  TPT 3