Primary Chalkboard: Fall
Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts

Batty Art and Verbs- Freebie From Teacher to the Core

Well hello there! Are you a planner like me? I love looking forward! So even as I am making applesauce, I am planning for some October fun! 

This is a quick and easy art project that helps kids focus in on verbs and bats! Grab it now and put it in your “To Be Copied” pile. This is fast and easy to copy and make! No tracing.

This can be done as individual art or you can make a big bulletin board of the bats. This is how I did it in 2012….. Sorry about the fuzzy picture, this was back in the day.

And 2014….. Super Fun! Click {here} to see how easy it was to make the haunted house.

Want to grab the Freebie?
Get it


Prepping Early with a Freebie!

Hi, friends! It's Laura from Peace, Love, and First Grade!

When I read Katie's post yesterday, I thought about the hustle and bustle of the holidays and how we, as teachers, can find ways to lessen the stress. 

One thing I like to do is prep ahead.

Years ago, I learned I removed some unnecessary stress if I prepped weeks in advance. 

Don't get me wrong, things always come up, but I want to be prepared if they do. 

Being prepared includes making sure all my classroom resources are printed and ready to use before they are needed. 

In first grade, we use a lot of printable math resources-
number cards, number grids...tons of number references, including number lines. 

Well, I'm all about seasonal and holiday fun, and my kiddos enjoy using them, too.

If you like changing out references with the seasons, then here are a few freebies for you-

number lines 0-10. 

Even though, we are adding through 20, the Singapore Math program we use is based on ten, 
so we'll use these number lines all year. 

And honestly, many of my sweet friends still need visuals to help with equations,
 especially with those tricky MISSING ADDENDS! Grrr!

Here are three different winter number lines from 0-10, color and b/w.
Click on the pic to download!

And, if you still need fall resources,
 here are three different fall number lines from 0-10, color and b/w, as well. 
Click the pic to download!

I hope you can use these! 
Happy Sunday, friends!


Fire Safety Find, Tally & Graph Freebie!

Hi Folks!

Happy Fall!!!

Lisa here, over from Growing Firsties and I am hoping that your fall has been uber-enjoyable!!! I know we've been loving it here in Wisconsin! Blue skies, colorful trees, football, fire pit, a chill in the air...though I can't quite wear my beloved boots and scarves yet without sweating it up. Still loving it up!

I had to whip up a little Fire Safety Find, Graph & class is kind of addicted to them and has been asking for another one...

Here's a general fall one...

These Fall freebies of mine have also been pretty popular...feel free to snag them up by clicking each pic...

Don't forget to enter our...

which ends TONIGHT!!!

It is filled with ridiculously fabulous prizes and I wish IIIIII could enter I'd love to win that Ooh Baby bundle so badly!!!!!

Have a great Tuesday, everyone!
Smiles - Lisa 


MONSTERous Giveaway and A FREEBIE for the Fall from Latoya

This giveaway is so exciting.  There are going to be some happy people very soon!!!  I love this time of the year and I bet your kiddos do too!!!  I am posting my FREEBIE Fall Writing Center.  Your students will be able to complete a writing piece and a write the room activity.
Click the cover page to get your wonderFALL FREEBIE!!!

Contents Included

Fall Vocabulary Chart

 Sentence Frame Starters

Circle Map to Organize Writing

Fall Writing Paper with Picture Space

 Fall Writing Paper with no Picture Space

Write the Room Vocabulary Cards

 Write the Room Recording Sheet
Don't forget to enter the MONSTERous Giveaway by clicking on the button below!!!


Monsterous Giveaway and Freebies from Deb & Tamara

Hey everyone! :)
We hope you've been enjoying our MONSTEROUS giveaway!

We're going to share a few freebies with you that are fall themed and FUN! :)

Hi guys! :)  It's TAMARA! :)
My kids are really starting to get the hang of sentence scrambles!  They are a fun way to build literacy skills.  Students will sort the cards based on the clip art and re-arrange the words to create meaning for the sentence.  Then, they write the sentence on a recording sheet.

Click HERE to download the sentence scramble!

Next up, a little addition and subtraction activity for the week of Halloween! :)
These story problems were written with emergent readers in mind.  You can let them use the halloween themed counters to help them add and subtract, or you can just use counters that you have in the classroom.

Click HERE to download the story problems set!
Next up....DEB! :)

TA-DAHHHHH!  Are you loving these Fall Freebies or what?  I know that I am enjoying the Fall and the weather cooling down a bit down in Georgia.  Hey, here is another fantastic freebie from The Chalkies, so go and grab it and have some fun with your kiddos!  

Click HERE to grab your Halloween Syllable Sort!

There are some great units up for grabs, 
plus a MEGA PRIZE PACK that we want you to win. 
So, please hurry over and enter in to win!!!
Click HERE to enter and Good Luck! 

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Tamara and Deb


Primary Chalkboard's MONSTERous Giveaway and Freebie Link-up!

Greetings friends!
Daina here from Sticky Notes & Glitter!
I am so excited to be posting today and bringing you the opportunity to WIN some UH-MAY-ZING things!
Welcome to Primary Chalkboard's MONSTERous Giveaway!!! Dun, dun, dun!!!!
Not only do we have product bundles up for grabs, but we also have some other goods that are the bomb-diggity!
So let's get down to it... the fabulous prizes! There are 4 different prize bundles! Enter one, enter all, totally up to you!
Now, let's remember, with great prizes comes great responsibility...Ok, so maybe not great responsibility, but there is going to be some clicking involved! So to this I say, Happy Clicking friends! :)

1. A First Grade Product Bundle

2. A Second Grade Product Bundle

 3. A Fire Safety Bundle


 4. The Mega Prize Pack

And for our mega prize pack, we have some VERY generous people who have donated some fabulous prizes for ONE LUCKY WINNER!
First Mega Prize - Amie, from Glitter Meets Glue, has graciously donated her Technology Equipment Variety Clipart Pack! Some real glittery fabulousness!

Second Mega Prize - Troy, from Classroom Friendly Supplies, has graciously donated one of his AMAZING pencil sharpeners!

Third Mega Prize - Stephanie, from Ooh Baby Designs, has graciously donated a prize pack worth over $150.00!!!
Winner will receive: Deluxe Teacher Tote and Matching Teacher Chair Pocket and Bunting Flags!
Giveaway is for items pictured below with NO substitutions and you must be a US resident! But who would WANT to substitute?? These are adorable!! See for yourself!

Giveaways end October 8th! Enter before it's too late!!!

But wait! The fun's not over yet!

Not only are we offering all of these wonderful prizes for you, we will also be featuring different October themed freebies over the next week! Make sure you check back each day from now to October 8th and snag some new resources for FREE!

Have your OWN October themed freebie? (
That can include fire safety, pumpkins, Halloween, red ribbon week, fall, etc.)

 Well if you've got one, link it up below! :)