Primary Chalkboard: goal setting
Showing posts with label goal setting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goal setting. Show all posts

5 Tips for goal setting with your students

Happy weekend!  It's Vicky from Teaching and Much Moore, I'm excited to share 5 tips for getting your students to set goals in the classroom!

The first week I started by getting my students 'thinking' about their feelings about school.  I gave them sticky notes { which are always a big hit BTW } and they wrote their thoughts down and stuck them on the anchor charts above.  This was the first step and it really opened up some great peer discussions.

1. Get your students talking - after you have set the 'tone' of your room break them into small groups and get them talking.  Kids like to share ideas/things they are good at, etc.  This will open the door to make them more comfortable with sharing goals.

2.  Have them WRITE their goals down and place them in a TIME CAPSULE.  This can help keep them accountable - keep it in a place to refer to all year.  Cover a pringles can with cute scrapbook paper label it and tie some twine around it.

3.  Have them SHARE their goals with a buddy - either a peer, family member or even a reading buddy. 

4.  Have them write it on a cute piece of scrapbook paper or have them make a collage of things they like by cutting pictures from magazines.  They can write their goal on it and hang it in their room to see everyday.  RESEARCH shows that if you SEE your goal every day you are much  more likely to stick to it and achieve it.

5.  Use your classroom space!  Meg from Oh Happy Day did just that and I think it's brillant!  This would work best for older kids but it would be a great reminder to them so they are seeing their goals at home and at school!

I hope these help you get your students off on the right foot for a very successful year!  Good luck with your goal setting!  Happy teaching!
~ Vicky