Primary Chalkboard: Halloween
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

EEEEEK! Bats and Spiders.. OH MY!

Hi Friends..Anna here with Simply Skilled in Second.  I hope this post finds you well.  Now that we are deep into October, I wanted to let you know what I have my students do during our Daily 5 rotations in my Work on Writing station.

Introducing..... BATS!!!!

bats research

So... I LOVE having the students do different types of research projects in class during the month of October.  This month lends itself well with so many opportunities for having some fun learning and researching about creepy crawlies and things that fly in the night with Halloween coming up.
So in order to fit EVERYTHING in... I like to add research projects to my work on writing station.
During the month of October, my students will complete 3 - 4 different research projects at my Work on Writing Station.  My students always have a MUST DO and a CAN DO activity when they get to our Work on Writing Station.   This month they will focus on BATS, using EITHER.. my 
All About Bats  Bat-Shaped Interactive Notebook OR they can complete my Bats Flip Flap Book™

bats research

I add a variety of different non-fiction books, texts, and passages at the Work on Writing Station for them to read and complete their research.  Giving them a choice on which activity to complete is exciting for them!

The next project they will work on during their rotation to Work on Writing is Spider research using my Spiders Flip Flap Book™

spider research

spiders flip flap book
spider research
I also leave one of my ipads at the Work on Writing Center set up so they can watch this video as well.

During Halloween week I also have my students complete my  Halloween Writing Fun Interactive Notebook activity and when they are finished, they glue them in their Interactive Writing Notebooks.  My Haunted House Halloween Shaped Booklet is what I use to differentiate my  Work on Writing station. A few of my students will not be able to handle 3-4 different projects in the month, so in order to differentiate, I will give those students my Haunted House Halloween Shaped Booklet.  This booklet has a page for spider research, bat research, writing an expository paragraph, a making words activity, and a few other activities.  So this booklet is a PERFECT way to differentiate my Work on Writing Station for my kiddos :)

halloween interactive notebook

So... I just wanted to share a few of my Research-Based Projects that are at my Work on Writing Center for the month of October.  If you are interested in any of these resources, click the images below to check them out in my TPT Shop!

bats researchbats research
spider researchwriting templates

 halloween interactive notebook

Thanks so much for dropping by today!



Halloween Lanterns-Easy Tutorial!

Happy Friday, friends!
It's Laura from Peace, Love, and First Grade!
We've been busy getting our room ready for spooky season!
We've made bats, and spiders, and some fun Halloween lanterns!
We chose jacks, ghosts, and Frankensteins for our lanterns.
Here's a peek at our lantern making!

 You will need:
*construction paper- 
9" x 12" orange, green, or white 
black strips long enough to cut handles
*black markers or crayons (if you want faces)
*tape or staples

Here are the steps:
Step 1:  Place a piece of 9" x 12" construction paper on the table lengthwise. Draw a face in the middle of the page. We made jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, and Frankensteins. If you don't want faces, skip this step. 

Step 2: Fold the paper in half lengthwise.

Step 3: Use a ruler and draw a straight line about 1/2" inch from the top of the unfolded edge. Pic below.

Step 4: Cut straight lines from the folded edge to the pencil line on the unfolded edge.

Step 5: Open the paper.  It should look like the pic below. I had kids write their names on it then. 

Step 6: Roll the paper into a tube. Pic below.
Tape or staple the ends. You could glue but taping allows you to keep working. 

Once taped, the lanterns will look like this.

They turn out so cute!

Click here for my original post for jack-o-lanterns on vines.

 I hope you're having fall weather in your neighborhood!
Love the feeling of fall!
Have a wonderful weekend, friends!


More BATS!

Hey everyone, Alyssha here from Teaching and Tapas. I am one of those people who LOVE everything October. Aside from it being a way-too-busy teaching obligation month (progress reports AND open house for some of us), it is so fun to get into the fall spirit!

One thing I love to do in October is a class vote/graph - Are Bats Cute or Creepy? Hang it up at the beginning of the month. Make sure the kids are able to change their votes because by the end of the month, you can convince the most squeamish students that bats are definitely cute. Like, the cutest of all animals.

On Monday, Matt from Digital Divide & Conquer wrote up a post about Bat resources using Symbaloo. I may be the last teacher alive who hasn't heard of Symbaloo. It looks AWESOME!
There was one video in particular that you MUST show your students. Lil' Drac is the epitome of every cute animal video on the internet. Seriously, so sweet.

Here is another one that you have to play with the sound on -

Okay, here is one more can't miss. This one goes beyond just cuteness - it's a great learning video.

I love surprising my students with little videos every once in a while. They're short and awesome!

Along with the bat theme, I have a great close reading freebie on bats that you may find useful. It a passage that is written at two levels (yay for differentiation!). It's perfect for 2nd and 3rd grade but could be used 1st-4th. Snag it up here!


Remember, it's free and super awesome! Enjoy!
Link -


19 Books for Halloween Fun!

Hi, friends! 
It's Laura from Peace, Love, and First Grade!
Hope your weekend is going well!

If you read my blog, you know I'm obsessed with children's literature!

I spend a great deal of time checking out titles to use in the classroom! 
 Old and New!

This week on my blog, I shared 19 titles perfect for Halloween!
 Click the pic to read about my favorite Halloween stories!
Hope your Halloween is spooky!!


5 Easy Paper Crafts for Literacy

Aloha friends! It's Corinna from Surfin' Through Second.  Today I am sharing some easy crafts that you can use in your literacy centers this month.

Each of these crafts is made from a 9x6 piece of construction paper, google eyes and a sharpie. 
(the spider needs extra for the legs)
Just draw out a simple template for your students to use or copy onto colored construction paper.




Shape Poems

These simple paper crafts can be added to your literacy centers 
or can be created together as a class.
Stop by my blog for more fun ideas and resources.


Woohoo! October FREEBIE and MONSTROUS Giveaway!

l can't tell you how excited I am to be in October! You know those people who put up Christmas decorations at the beginning of November? Well, that is what I am like for Halloween! I have way too much fun with this holiday :)

If you have not already entered the awesome MONSTEROUS giveaway, you better get in on that. There are only a few days left and this one's a good one!

I also have a little Halloweeny freebie for all of the 1st and 2nd grade teachers out there. It is pack of math task cards focused on 1 and 2 step problems (2.OA.1). Your kids will love it! Enjoy :)

Like what you see? You can download the whole pack for free by clicking here.

- Alyssha from Teaching and Tapas


Monsterous Giveaway and Freebies from Deb & Tamara

Hey everyone! :)
We hope you've been enjoying our MONSTEROUS giveaway!

We're going to share a few freebies with you that are fall themed and FUN! :)

Hi guys! :)  It's TAMARA! :)
My kids are really starting to get the hang of sentence scrambles!  They are a fun way to build literacy skills.  Students will sort the cards based on the clip art and re-arrange the words to create meaning for the sentence.  Then, they write the sentence on a recording sheet.

Click HERE to download the sentence scramble!

Next up, a little addition and subtraction activity for the week of Halloween! :)
These story problems were written with emergent readers in mind.  You can let them use the halloween themed counters to help them add and subtract, or you can just use counters that you have in the classroom.

Click HERE to download the story problems set!
Next up....DEB! :)

TA-DAHHHHH!  Are you loving these Fall Freebies or what?  I know that I am enjoying the Fall and the weather cooling down a bit down in Georgia.  Hey, here is another fantastic freebie from The Chalkies, so go and grab it and have some fun with your kiddos!  

Click HERE to grab your Halloween Syllable Sort!

There are some great units up for grabs, 
plus a MEGA PRIZE PACK that we want you to win. 
So, please hurry over and enter in to win!!!
Click HERE to enter and Good Luck! 

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Tamara and Deb