Primary Chalkboard: writing prompts
Showing posts with label writing prompts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing prompts. Show all posts

Integrating Art and Writing

Hello Everyone! 
It's Susanna here from Whimsy Workshop Teaching, and I have some fun drawing ideas to share with you today. 

I teach a multi-age class, so I'm used to finding ways to differentiate for students whose ability ranges from Kindergarten to Grade 3. 

When possible, this is accomplished by open-ended projects. Other times, I simply make different versions of the same activity so that all students are well supported. (Sometimes I will put those different versions out and let them choose, which is an interesting study in student confidence and attitude!)

I also try to integrate subject areas whenever possible, mixing writing and math together, or even social studies and Physical Education! 

The two that most naturally seem to go together for me are writing and art. Since my students love directed drawing, I've mixed some with writing prompts to go along with them - everything is right there on the page.

If you'd like to try this yourself, there's a FREE set of printables over on my blog! {click HERE}

You can also grab the whole BUNDLE - perfect for literacy centers, Home Writing, sub tubs, or just fun art lessons!

You might enjoy drawing these along with your students!