Primary Chalkboard: #theoriginalmathmaniac
Showing posts with label #theoriginalmathmaniac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #theoriginalmathmaniac. Show all posts

On the Second Day of School FREEBIE

The first day of school is important. But the second day of school is important also, and it can be incredibly overwhelming. In fact, I am usually at least TWICE as stressed on the second day.

All of the forms you sent home on the first day will start coming back to you. Also many of your students will bring in their school and classroom supplies, if they didn't bring them the first day. There will also be a few parents who will insist on walking their kiddos down for the second day in a row. They will want to ask you questions about the previous day. Then, students who were excited about the first day of school may start acting out on the second day because they have come to the realization that summer REALLY is over. They may have to be coaxed into your room and out of the hallway. Along with getting to know and taking care of 24 +/- new little people, this can make the second day of school particularly challenging.

That is why I always make sure that I have a morning work activity that is SUPER engaging, so that I have a little extra time to take care of "business."

Click here to download a free "Second Day of School Book" that you can use with your own class! (Recommended for grades 1-3).


Organizing Digital Files

Hey y'all! Casey here from The Original Math Maniac. Several years ago I made the switch from toting multiple flash drives to saving all of my school files digitally on Google Drive.

If you already have a google e-mail account then you already have google drive. It is SUPER easy to use. 

I made files for my "big" categories (just right click and create a "New Folder" like you would on your computer) but usually I use the search feature to find what I'm looking for.

To save documents quickly you can skip the "upload" feature and simply drag a document from your computer to your Google Drive.

Google Drive works just like the folders on your computer, the advantage is that you can login on any computer and instantly access all of your files. No more hauling around flash drives or saving everything to your computer and then dying slowly inside when you lose everything from a virus. 

Thanks for reading. Tune in tomorrow to learn some tips on Behavior Management from Anna from Simply Skilled in Second. :)


Quick & Easy Indoor Recess Ideas!

Hey y'all! Casey here, from The Original Math Maniac.

Not all of us are blessed with the often frustrating season we call WINTER.  However, here in NC, Elsa has paid us several visits and brought forth an unusual amount of ice and snow. This means an increase in cabin fever and, yes, the dreaded INDOOR RECESS.

 When the weather is rotten and my students are forced to stay inside, I often pull out the same ol' bag of tricks. However, after so many days of being trapped in our homes and with each other in our classroom, ordinarily peaceful students are starting to look more like Komodo Dragons. 

With that in mind, I searched Pinterest high and low for some new ideas to change up Indoor Recess. Please visit my Pinterest page to check out these fun ideas. I will be continously adding to this board to avoid stagnation.

Also, I whipped this fun little Charades dice game. You can download it for FREE from Google Docs by clicking HERE.    Instructions are included and I guarantee at LEAST 30 minutes of indoor fun. :)

I am ALWAYS looking for new ways to entertain my little green beans during indoor recess, please help a fellow teacher and leave your suggestions in the comments!