Primary Chalkboard: routines
Showing posts with label routines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label routines. Show all posts

BTS Routines & Procedures!

     Hey there! It's Karen from Mrs. Jones's Class, and I am here to share some tips and goodies that you can use to help make your classroom run like a well-oiled machine this school year. No, you don't need any WD-40 (although that does come in handy when cleaning your dry erase boards, but that's another post)...we are talking routines and procedures here, folks!

You are getting ready to go back to school, eh?  A new class. Crisp materials. Clean floors (for the first 10 minutes, at least). A whole new year of fun and memories. A fresh, new group of kids that need to "learn the ropes" before you can get down to business and teach!

I'm going to start with the big kids first.
I taught 5th grade this year, and one thing that I've learned after moving from Kindergarten is-- 
the big kids need to learn classroom routines and procedures as much as the little ones do!

1. Have a system (for everything!)
(click image to download from Google drive)

2. Teach, model, and practice routines daily for the first couple of weeks!
We all know that repeated modeling and practice will help the procedures stick and become second nature. Show them, have them show each other, and have them practice. If a procedure is getting loose, then reteach it. Before breaks and vacations are great times to practice and reteach rules and procedures, too!

The littles. A whole different beast in some ways. 
I have an extensive list of routines and procedures to teach in the beginning of the year Kindergarten and 1st grade over on my blog, Mrs. Jones's Class. 

Click the image below to take you over there and download the list!
 back to school routines

I hope that these resources come in handy this BTS season!  
Have a great year, everyone!