Primary Chalkboard: Sale
Showing posts with label Sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sale. Show all posts

What's New in Our TPT Stores????

Hey there, fellow teacher heroes!

We wanted to make sure that you are all aware that TPT is having a HUGE sale TODAY! (2/25/15)

We also wanted to make sure that you had the scoop on what is new and popular in our stores. :) 

Happy Shopping, friends! AND, don't FORGET to enter the promo code: HEROES when you check out today!


Cyber Savings!

It's that time of year to celebrate Cyber Monday and all the sales that come with it! 
All of the Primary Chalkboard members are celebrating by throwing a sale in their stores. 
Each of us have 20% off in our stores, PLUS 10% from TPT. This equals up to be 28% off our products. 

Check our stores out here!