Primary Chalkboard: February
Showing posts with label February. Show all posts
Showing posts with label February. Show all posts

I Think you are Purr-fect Valentine's Bookmark FREEBIE and Crafty Gifts

Hi there friends, it's Emma from Clever Classroom!

I am so excited to share some freebies with you. 

If you're looking for simple gift ideas for Valentine's Day, then you will love these!

I Think you are Purr-fect Bookmark FREEBIE and Crafty Gifts Primary Chalkboard

I have created four bookmarks and three gift squares with cute sayings that relate to Valentine's Day.

They would be great as a gift to students or for students to give to parents or other family members. 

Your file also includes black and white versions of both the bookmarks and square gifts. 

Valentine's craft for kids: Printable bookmark gifts for Valentine's Day

Here are the bookmarks in color. 

Free Valentine's Day bookmarks and MORE

Free Valentine's Day download

Free Valentine's Day download

Free Valentine's Day printables

Free Valentine's Day printables

FREE I think you're purr-fect Valentine's Day gift and more

Each bookmark is printed three to a page. 

Free Valentine's Day bookmarks I Primary Chalkboard

Putting together the bookmarks are super-dooper easy!

Free Valentine's Day bookmarks I Clever Classroom

I love you to bits freebie

Here are the three square gift craft ideas. 

They are also avialbale in black and white so that the children can trace the text and decorate them after you've printed them on cardstock. 

I am stuck on you Valentine and more Valentine's sayings FREEBIE

I also used stinky stickers with, 'I am stuck on you Valentine'. 

You are as cute as a button and more Valentine's sayings

Valentine's Day Crafty Ideas all in a FREE download

Click here to download the freebie via my Teachers Pay Teachers Store

Free download for Valentines Day by Clever Classroom

More Valentine's Day printables ready to go for February. 

Valentine's Day Printables

February COMBO 100th Day of School and Valentine's Day Printables

Thanks so much for dropping by. 

Happy Valentine's Day!

Clever Classroom's blog home


Fun Ideas from PC

Oh, boy!  So, today has been one of those crazy, busy days!  First, I taught… I'm guessing you knew that, but at the same time a lot of my buddies are getting lots of snow days, so I figured I'd share.  Then, I had a meeting after school, Bible study, and a trip to Target.  You know you have loaded up on randomness when the cashier says, "You must be a school teacher!"  Yep!  Friends, I got poster board, bubble wrap, lots of Valentine goodies, cards, and then of course a few random snacks and make up.  That brings me to here - babbling and really needing to get started on my blog post?

So, what am I blogging about?  Well, some of my PC friends and I were just part of an awesome hop.  Since PC wasn't in it, I thought, "Hey!  I should shout out the girls!"  So, here is the DL on each of their posts.  You won't find freebies, but you will definitely find some incredible tips and tricks.  Honestly, these girls rocked it so well, you won't even care that there aren't freebies.

Since I'm visual, I am going to load you up with pictures.  All you have to do is click on pictures that peek your curiosity and it will take you right to that blog.  Hope you guys enjoy!

Faith :)