Primary Chalkboard: art
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Batty Art and Verbs- Freebie From Teacher to the Core

Well hello there! Are you a planner like me? I love looking forward! So even as I am making applesauce, I am planning for some October fun! 

This is a quick and easy art project that helps kids focus in on verbs and bats! Grab it now and put it in your “To Be Copied” pile. This is fast and easy to copy and make! No tracing.

This can be done as individual art or you can make a big bulletin board of the bats. This is how I did it in 2012….. Sorry about the fuzzy picture, this was back in the day.

And 2014….. Super Fun! Click {here} to see how easy it was to make the haunted house.

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Winter Art Tutorials

Hello Everyone!
I'm stopping by to share some quick 'n' easy art ideas to wrap up your winter classroom!

Just click on the pictures below to see a step-by-step tutorial on how to make these cuties!


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