Primary Chalkboard: art projects
Showing posts with label art projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art projects. Show all posts

Fall Art Activity

Hi everyone! It's Valerie from All Students Can SHINE.

Are you always looking for fresh ideas for your art class? 

If you need a fun art activity for Fall, head over to this blog post for instructions.
My students did a great job on this project last year and I am looking forward to doing it with my new class this year :)

Have a great day,



Advent Calendar Day 6 - A Craft, A Freebie, And A SALE!

Hi everyone,

It's Valerie from All Students Can Shine
and I am here to bring you some fun treats for our
Advent Calendar Countdown!

Today, I'm sharing a craft tutorial, a freebie, and a sale!
Yay for holiday treats!!

Looking for a fun craft to make with your students? 

This snowflake is so EASY to make and the kids LOVE doing it every year!

I know it looks complicated but trust me when I say it is EASY!
I made them with my grade one class yesterday :)

You can follow my tutorial HERE.
I also left a FREE printable tutorial for you to take to your class :)

In case you haven't grabbed your holiday freebie yet,
check out my Holiday Coupon Book!

My Christmas printables will be a SALE all day today at 50% off!

Don't forget to check back with us tomorrow to see what goodies are up next!



Christmas Lights Card and a Freebie

Hi all, it's Emma from Clever Classroom.  

I'm a little bit excited about Christmas.  How about you?  Come on, just a little bit? 

I love this time of year because after we wind down, we can spend time with family and friends and actually relax a bit!   I hope you have plans to relax too. 

I also love this time of year for the decorations and yummy food, ah the food, the dessert, the candy .... oh, I digress!

Anyway, I wanted to bring you a Christmas card idea that is really simple and only needs a few materials.

Christmas Lights Card and a Freebie

Are you making cards with your students for their families this year?

If you are and you are after something a bit different, then you might like this idea. 

I used my all time favorite throw away material..... bottle caps!

Christmas Lights Card and a Freebie

Yes, if you know me and my blog, I'm crazy for bottle caps!  I even have a Pinterest board for brilliant bottle cap ideas! 

Okay,  here's what you do to create this simple card with your students!

You will need:

one piece of paper per child, folded in half
glue (glue sticks)
ribbon (if you don't have ribbon, students could draw on the string in different lengths. 
bottle caps
and glitter


1. Fold the page in half.
2. Cut string at different lengths. Paste on the string (not too close to the edge - see picture).
3. Print bottle caps, flat side down onto the paint and under the string.
4. Sprinkle glitter on over the wet paint.
5.  Allow to dry and write on the front and inside of the card. 

All done!

 As it's almost Christmas, I wanted to give you a little freebie to say thank you for supporting our blog.

I am so grateful that you drop by to see what we're doing here in the Primary Chalkboard blog.

We have BIG things planned for the December so be sure to pop back in.

Christmas Printables for any Word List freebie

I hope this freebie helps you plan out your centers this December.

For more Christmas resource that will surely save you time this December, pop by my store, I have dozens of Christmas resources!

Christmas resources, craft and a freebie