Primary Chalkboard

On the 5th Day of Christmas- Freebie and 50% off sale

Are you filling you sleigh with all the goodness from this Advent Event???

This is Katie from Teacher to the Core and I am giving you elf-tastic behavior as your freebie today! Even if you do not have a classroom elf, this freebie will bring in the “nice” behavior and banish the “naughty” behavior.
Classroom rewards freebie
Here is a little recap from last year!
Behavior Management Freebie
This time students are either giving Santa a reason to celebrate or be sad.
Well are they naughty or nice with their Christmas behavior If you are rude (talking while I am talking) or off task you have to go up and mark under Sad Santa. Or if you are delight, it’s a Santa Celebration mark! Notice the intro to place value….  Place value is coming!!!!  I included both Naughty/Nice and Santa Celebration/Sad Santa so that you had options. 
Freebie for behavior management around ChristmasEntire table groups that behave get the “Eyes”. This means they line up first, get papers first, and get dismissed first.  If you end your day with the eyes you get a shout out note to take home.
Only two more days of great behavior and they earn a party (which is planned anyway- shhhh don’t tell the kids).  I hope this little freebie helps you manage the mischief in your classroom. 
 Behavior Management Freebie
Download now
I am throwing a 1 day only 50% off Super Santa Sale on my favorite holiday unit.

 Cute Santa features Contractions       IMG_6344
Santa Contractions

Teacher to the Core contractions write on wipe off Anchor Chart for daily practice IMG_6344
Teacher to the Core Contractions   Contractions in context
Click tpt
If you are looking for more holiday fun, you might like these 2 foot tall candy canes!!!
These sweet little Candy Canes are getting me great results in my effort to help my students capitalize their proper nouns.  Kids had a super fun brainstorming sheet and went to town.
I could eat up this candy cane bulletin boardCandy cane-001

Click tpt


Check back tomorrow to see who is bringing in the holiday cheer!

Advent Calendar Day 4 with a Holiday Freebie

Hi Friends!!! 
It's Latoya of Flying into First Grade and I am here to bring you day 4 goodies and treats in our Primary Chalkboard Advent Calendar Countdown to Christmas!!!

Here is your FREEBIE!!!





Advent Calendar ~ Day 3 Surprises

Hi sweet friends! On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me....oops!  Wrong post!  I'm here to bring you the 3rd day of our Wonderful Advent Calendar of surprises!  I'm so excited to share my goodies with you today!  I'm all about the countdown folks and we have 13 more days till...freedom ok that might be a tad bit harsh...till our wonderful break with our families.  

Today I'm happy to share a fun interactive dice holiday themed freebie with you:

To grab the freebie click { here }

I just can't help myself I want to make this Day 3 really special so I'm cutting 50% off of my TOP SELLING mapping unit as well.  This is an incredible deal!  Grab it  { here } at 1/2 off!

I couldn't let today go by without adding some elf on the shelf fun...what is your elf up to?


Tis' the season of the 'elf'...I personally love our elf Snowflake and my students will be seeing her soon.  Tell us do you have an elf visit your classroom?  
xoxo, Vicky
{ come visit me at : Teaching and Much Moore }

Don't forget to come back here each day to get more goodies!


Advent Calendar Day 2 from 2 Brainy Apples!

Hey hey hey! It's Heather from 2 Brainy Apples, and I just have to ask….."Are y'all ready for Day #2 of The Primary Chalkboard's Advent calendar?????"

Who doesn't love goodies? Today I am stoked to be bringing you one of my favorite writing RAFT tasks for the month of December FREE, but ONLY for today! My students absolutely love love love this task. It's my Candy Cane Taste Tester prompt.
All you have to provide is a small assortment of candy cane flavors. Students take on the role of taste testers to decide which of 2 flavors they think the owner of a candy cane factory should produce this season. My students are always so engaged with this writing project (which takes about a week), that I don't even have to remind them to stay on track. Engaged students means less stress for you! And who doesn't love a little peace and quite during the school day?

My other goodie for you is that I am offering one of my most popular seasonal products HALF off today, but ONLY for today! It's my Geo Journey New Year's Celebrations Around the World Interactive Notebook. You can snag it for only $2.25! But hurry because tomorrow it goes back to its regular price!
Most of my students had studied different winter holidays around the world, but I found out that the majority hadn't studied New Year's celebrations. Oh My Sweetness! My students are always so enthralled with these celebrations because some of them are SO different from ours. Not only will they learn about the celebrations, they will also be practicing geography skills, Close Reads, writing, and more! This product has it all for a cross-curricular unit! No fluff here. Just good old learning, with a lot of student interest. Perfect for keeping the natives under control until winter break.

I really hope you enjoy these items. I wanted to show my appreciation for each of you! Be sure to come back here tomorrow to find out which Chalkie is sharing next!

Until next time!

**Please excuse any typos as I don't have the super power of being perfect :)

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The Primary Chalkboard Advent Calendar Kickoff!

Howdy ya'll!  It's Mr. Greg from The Kindergarten Smorgasboard!  I am super excited to get to kick our The Primary Chalkboard's Advent calendar!

We are celebrating with a treat every day!  Each day one of our authors/bloggers will offer a special treat JUST FOR THAT DAY!   Make sure you visit daily to get your treat!

My surprise is a fun letter recognition freebie!

My freebie was inspired by these cute bags from Target!  

These bags are also my fresh idea for ya!  Each holiday/season, I scour Target, The Dollar Tree and Dollar General for fun buckets or bags.  I use these bags and buckets to store our center activities.  These are not only cute and fun, but my students love the bags and they make centers just that much more attractive and engaging.

Engaged=less behavior challenges!!

Don't forget to stop by each day for your Advent surprise!