Primary Chalkboard: September 2013

Applefest Continues!

Happy Apple Week from Simply Skilled in Second and Fluttering Through First Grade

We are so excited to share some fun with you today!  
Thank you so much for stopping by to check out the Primary Chalkboard.
This week is all about.... APPLES!!!!  
We guess you can call it an Applefest :)

Hi Friends! It's Anna from Simply Skilled in Second! I wanted to share with you what I am planning to do during my Applefest!  Every year we tie in apples during our Fall Observation Week that is connected to our science unit.  We observe a tree in each of the different seasons, predict and record the temperature for the week, and record the sunrise and sunset time for each day during our observation week.  I read many different read-alouds throughout the week that have a focus on apples.  On Friday, we have our Applefest.  The children are engaged in many different types of activities with apples.  They weigh, measure, and describe apples.  We also have the parents come in a do a baking activity with the students where they get to use standard forms of measurement with baking.  
This year I have decided to add some additional stations into my Applefest Day.  Most of my Apple Stations revolve around math, however, this year I am going to add some ELA stations into the mix as well.  They are going to be making an Apple Flip-Flap Book when they arrive at each of the ELA stations.  At the first ELA station they will create the "A" and the "P" in their Apple Flip-Flap Book where they will complete an apple graphic organizer to describe an apple using their senses.  The next ELA station they will create the next letter "P" where they will color and label the parts of an apple tree.  Next, they will read through a short non-fiction text about apples and then label the parts of an apple and color it.  After that, they will complete the "E" page where they will label and color the life cycle of an apple.  Lastly, they will finish with the "S" page where they record the results of the class data on each students' favorite apple.  I am so excited that I added an ELA portion to my Apple Day.  Now I will have covered my math and ELA lessons for the whole day and we get a yummy baked treat at the end as our reward for our hard-work!  Take a look at some of the pictures below of the apple flip-flap book.

This is what the apple flip-flap book will look like when it is complete.

This is what each page of Apple Flip-Flap Book looks like!

If you are interested in trying this out with your students, click the image below to head on over to my TPT Shop to pick it up.

Howdy Apple Lovers! 
It's Christy & Tammy from Fluttering Through First Grade
Are you a Honey Crisp kinda person? 
Maybe more of a Gala Girl? 
Any Granny Smith Lovers? 
We're a Dipped in Chocolate or Caramel if at all Possible People ourselves...
It really is an Applefest!
Each fall, we bring real apples as well as apple chips into class to introduce adjectives to our first graders. We demonstrate the importance of "juicy" words when writing through food. It's our way of introducing adjectives without them knowing they are being introduced to adjectives. :)
As they are snacking, we ask them to describe their apples versus apple chips. They come up with words like dry, crunchy, yummy, and dull for the apple chips and words like juicy, crisp, delicious and yum-o for the apples. Yes, we know...Yum-o is not technically a word, but in Rachel Ray's world it is and we are dealing with food, so we took it as a child who was channeling their inner Food Network Star. 

As we chat, we discuss the importance of using describing words when we write because apple chips mean dry, boring details and juicy apples mean descriptive, detailed sentences.

And, P.S. This has absolutely nothing to do with Trader Joe's apple chips. We adore them and Joe. In fact, when the lesson is done we have at least 5 kids come ask where we got them from because they are so delicious. So technically, we are helping you Joe. 
You're welcome. 
We've created some Juicy Apple Adjectives activities and just added them to our TpT Shop. 

Plus, we are firm believers that all party guests Applefest attendees should leave with party favors...So, our Juicy Apple Adjectives activities are FREE! 


APPLE Friday with Leslie and Marie!

Wow! What a week! Have you been enjoying reading up on all of these fun APPLE WEEK ideas as much as we have?? 

Leslie and I have some more ideas and, of course, freebies to share with you guys too!

First up, this is not necessarily a "teacher" resource, but I am going to try to make these with my class during our Fall party. I'm going to sub marshmallow fluff for the peanut butter so I don't have anyone have an allergic reaction on my watch :)

I'm also planning on creating a few gifts for my teammates at work. I made these cute little apple clip art pieces to use on their gift tags I'm making. :)
These are free, so just click the picture if you'd like to download them! 

These are the tags I made last year for my apple basket gifts :)
I like to give "Fall gifts" because here in Arizona, Fall is so exciting! It's when we stop seeing those triple digit temps!
Just click the picture above to download the tags!

I also have a fun Apple Literacy packet in my TpT Store. 
This is a packet of APPLE themed activities. 

It includes three center activities:

*Harvest Thyme: A Homophone “Picking” Memory Game 

* Sweet Synonyms: Find the synonym matches on the apple cards

* How do you make an apple pie? Practice with writing directions and using transitional words (recipe cards) After reviewing what transitional words are used for, students will make their own super cute APPLE PIE recipe cards!

I also included a set of Apple Themed Transitional word cards!

This would be a great addition to enhance your Apple Unit/Centers!

You can click the picture above to go see more! 

And, before you read all about Leslie's great APPLE ideas, I'll leave you with ONE more APPLE themed idea...this one is for MATH! I created this one to follow the Kindergarten CC math standards, but it could easily be adapted and used for beginning of the year First graders or strugglers!

And, now...I'll leave you with Leslie:

Hey everyone! It's Leslie from 

Oh my!! How fun is that, Marie!! I totally love your apple-tastic science experiment! I am totally doing that with my class, too! This week has just been so fun learning about apples and Johnny Appleseed! We started off the week with Katie's sweet story of the "Apple Star". If you haven't heard or read that story, it is a MUST!!! The kids were just so delighted and so was their teacher! 

We also did some apple writing and tasting (who doesn't love to eat and taste apples?). We worked on the seasons of the apple tree with a cute painting craft and worked out of my "An Apple a Day" Pack! 

Then today we made homemade applesauce in the crockpot! Here's a quick recipe  if you want to try it! You will because your room will smell intoxicating!!! 

10-12 large apples (I like Fuji-- but any apples will be okay.)
1/2 cup apple juice/cider (water would be ok)
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar or brown sugar

Cut apples (rough chop is fine) and place in crockpot. Add other ingredients and mix. Cook on high for 4 hours or until apples are mushy. Use a potato masher and mash down.  Let cool for a bit. Serve warm. 

Now, some children may balk when they see it because it doesn't look like the brand name applesauce but I always tell them that this is true homemade applesauce. 

Since yesterday was Johnny Appleseed's birthday, we celebrated by making Johnny Appleseed headbands with the cycle of the apple tree around the head part! Total cuteness and you can grab yours here!

Click on the picture to grab it from my blog! And I also have some more pictures from my week in Apples posted there! 

Thanks so much for hanging with Marie and I!!! We had so much fun sharing our ideas with you! Check back tomorrow for more Apple ideas with Anna, Tammy, and Christy! 


Apples Ideas With Jessica and Faith

Do you need a few more ideas and things to add to your lesson plans for next week?
Well, it's Apple Week here at Primary Chalkboard.
We are going to share 5 fabulous ideas that we found or created that we think you will enjoy!

#1 - Math Apple Fun
Here's a freebie from Faith that includes one addition sheet and one subtraction sheet.  These can be used as morning work, homework, or a quick fluency quiz.

#2 - 2 Freebie Apple Math Centers
Here's a freebie from Jessica that covers addition and subtraction in a fun way.  For addition, she included Spin-a-Sum and for subtraction, she threw in Match-a-Difference.  

#3 - Apple Craftivity
This is a cute, but simple activity you can do with your class.  We looked for where the post originated from, but couldn't find it.  Feel free to let us know if it is yours.  We definitely want to give credit.

Apple activity with sight words (doesn't go to link for activity.  Pin for visual idea)

#4 - Johnny Appleseed
This is a fun little craft to do when teaching about Johnny Appleseed.  Click on the picture to go read more about it.

#5 - Johnny Appleseed Part II
We LOVED this little paper plate craft.  This will be a fun activity to do with your class as a Fun Friday activity or to do just for fun.

Alright, now it's your turn.  Feel free to link up some apple freebies that you have created or found.  We look forward to checking them out.  


All About Apples Week: Lisa & Tamara

We are all excited about what we're doing for Apple Week here at Primary Chalkboard! :)  I hope you've gotten to snag a few great freebies and ideas so far for your firsties and seconds! :) Lisa and I are going to share a few things with you that we hope will make your Apple Week sensational!! :0)

Hello everyone!  It's Tamara and I'd like to tell you a wee bit about something 'apple-y' that I'm using in my classroom this week...and into next week! :)

I worked on a brand new apple writing pack over the summer and I'm looking forward to using it with my firsties to reflect on reading and collaborative activities from our apple celebration! :)
This apple writing pack includes:

These are great to have up during writing time to 'cue' students to what your expectations are.

There are worksheets for brainstorming, drafting, revising, and publishing.  There are even some mini student friendly checklists for peer editing time.

I made the lines on the Level 1 sheets wider for emergent writers--thinner on the Level 2 sheets.  In the example above the students on Level 2 are required to have three supports...while students on Level 1 only require one.

I am a LOVER of subitizing in math! :)
Subitizing is the ability to recall numbers without needing to count.  Kind of like how you know that the shape of the dots on the face of a die mean 5 or 2 or 6 without having to stop and count every time you roll. ;)
This is a helpful tool for number sense! :)
It's apple themed and it's YOURS if you'd like it for your classroom! :)

Lisa from Growing Firsties here...
In my school, our curriculum is pretty mandated...and we technically don't "do" apples in first grade could I not join in Apple Week fun and put together a little freebie?
An Apple-tastic Freebie, at that! :) My class has used a few of these pages as Daily Warm Up and it's had us in the mood for apples for sure!

Here's what's included in the download...which you can get to right {HERE}...

Hope you guys are enjoying Apple Week here at Primary Chalkboard!!

If you have a hankerin' to enter to win the September Mystery Box Giveaway over at Growing Firsties, go ahead and click the pic below. :)


We Love Apples!!!

It is Apples Week on the Primary Chalkboard blog and we are very excited to share some of our favorite apple products with you.  And of course there's a FREEBIE!!!
During Apples Week I read so many books to my students.  Click on the picture to see a list of great Apple books to read with your students.

Here is my Apple Unit that is available on TPT!

Apple Unit Activities for PreK K 1st

This is a 48 page unit full of apple activities to accompany your study of apples and Johnny Appleseed. Visit my blog at and get some freebies from this unit. This unit includes the following:
Apple Color Graph
Apple Color Data
Vocabulary Chart
Vocabulary Cards
Apple Sorting
Comparing Apples
Apple Themed Word Search
Life Cycle of an Apple Tree
Life Cycle of an Apple Tree cards
KWL Chart
Apple 5 Senses
Apples Taste, Have, and Are Writing page
Labels to make a taste, have, are whole group chart
Apple Bubble and Circle Map
Johnny Appleseed Bubble and Circle Map
Acrostic Poem Page to create for Apple
Apple Parts Labeling
8x11 Johnny Appleseed Mini Book (6 pages)
Apple Pattern Task Cards along with Cards to make patterns on pocket chart
Apple Colors page to review colors
Here is your FREEBIE!   I really hope you can use it with your students!
Click on the cover page to grab it!

Happy Apples Week!!!