Primary Chalkboard: Party with Gingy!!

Party with Gingy!!

Happy Holidays all!! As we look back on Sandy Hook yesterday, I am thankful everyday to be able to love and hug on my two little loves, Gabriel and Aidan! They do drive me nuts but I love them to pieces! One of the things that I really like to focus on in my classroom is to create memories for families by hosting events in the classroom! So this week, I hosted a Gingerbread Decorating event in my classroom! It was total fun! Look at all the great houses!

It was really easy to plan and the families pretty much take care of all the work!! And I have all the files you will need to plan your Gingerbread party! 

Click on the picture to download your invitation for FREE! And I have also included a family donation list of ALL the items you will need to make your houses and sugar cone Christmas trees. Some tips:

*You will need LOTS of frosting!! I assigned two items per student (if possible). I put food colouring in two canisters of the frosting for the Christmas trees and it was more than enough. Then I coloured some other canisters of frosting (blue, red, purple) and put them in bags to pipe icing onto their houses. 

*I placed one canister of frosting per 2 students but you will have more than enough if you place one canister of frosting for 4 students. I also gave one package of graham crackers for each student and this was more than enough!

*Save the milk cartons from lunch to be the base of your gingerbread houses!!! I rinsed and dried them out then stapled them shut.

*Seems like it would just make sense but one year I forgot, make sure each student gets a plastic knife! Not pretty spreading frosting with a spoon! ha!

*Use muffin tins to hold all the materials. I also lined them with cupcake liners for easy cleanup! Don't forget to cover your tables with paper. If I had it, I would've covered my tables with wrapping paper for a more festive look! 

*Use a sturdy plate like the Chinet brand plates to place your gingerbread houses on! I liked the oval ones.. They had more than enough room for all their things!! 

* Show examples of gingerbread houses, Sugar cone Christmas trees, graham cracker sleighs... Don't have a presentation?? NO WORRIES!! I have one for you!! Click on the image below for another free hook-up... I mean, download!!!

Here are a few more pics! 

Overall, it was a great day! When it was all said and done, I had a holiday bingo game out and a holiday photo booth with props made by a wonderful room mom I have!! 

Totally fun times!!! Loved every minute of it and I wasn't stressed because the families did most of the work (even helped clean up!!! They are the best!!) and all I did was take pictures and help out here and there! 

I hope that you will have a Gingerbread decorating par-tay like we did because they are totally fun and you can't go wrong with icing and candy!! They just spell fun and holidays! LOL!!

If you are looking for more holiday ideas, please stop back on our Primary Chalkboard and also come by and see me on my blog this week for a sweet idea and an easy way to package it for your families. Inexpensive, too!!)

Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year! 

Love to you!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. oh so cute! I'm just looking for ideas for my sons birthday and I like to small cookie houses a lot. I think it is nice to have some stations for the afternoon. also David loves playing bingo a lot so I was thinking about using your other idea about the special selfmade bingo charts!
    I like your blog a lot :) thanks
