Primary Chalkboard: Day 16: Advent Fun

Day 16: Advent Fun

Happy last week before Christmas break! Are you all having fun with our Advent Calendar goodies this month? I know I've been loving these sales and freebies!  I'm excited to join in on the fun with you today.

I know this last week can be crazy, but it can also be super fun. I always love the month of December! Now I know you are all thinking about Christmas break next week, but you still have this week to get through right? Well, here are some activities to have fun and keep the learning happening in your classroom.

Here is a ready-to-print option for you all. Just color in the gumdrop that makes a real word.

Can you tell we've been working on the ink, ank, onk, ink families? These are two activities that I've been using to practice. Last year I did the activity in the top picture. I used this with my small group.

This year, I used the activity in the bottom picture.   

Here's  a little video of my students practicing the ing/ink families. This was day two so it was more like a warm-up. 

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