Primary Chalkboard: Classroom Debate!

Classroom Debate!

Friends~I love debating in class with my first graders!  Nothing makes me prouder than to see these little guys share their opinions and back them up with facts!  

Each Friday, we have a classroom debate after morning meeting.  Since we just finished our unit on the Iditarod and sled dogs we debated about what was the best pet~Cat or Dog.  

It is so simple to do!  I just grab a sentence strip and write a question or statement on it.  I laminate it and add magnets to the back.  I place it on the board and my students chant THINK!  After they have thought a bit, I place 2 cards on either side of the question.  The cards are the choices for the debate.  

I then say HUDDLE and the kiddos split into 2 groups to discuss facts to support their thinking.  I then say DEBATE and they break into 2 groups.  

The students then stand so that they can begin to discuss their points on the topic.  I ask the students to agree with or disagree with a speaker.  They must have a fact to support their statements.  

As a class, we have been working on eye contact and poise as part of our speaking and listening goals. 
Give it a shot in your classroom!  It is such a confidence builder:)  
Check out more fun over on The Schroeder Page !

You can also check out my Discussion Towers to get your kiddos talking with each other!  

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  1. I love this debate and the whole idea of debating. I'm going to try this right after spring break!

    Grade ONEderful
    Barbara Leyne Designs

  2. Barbara~My kiddos love it and if I forget it on Friday they are sure to remind me. I love that they are building confidence while learning to present in a safe place. I would love to hear how it goes in your classroom!

  3. When I was in the college we friends making debates in classroom and when we need Report Writing Help then we together get help from the writers of UK, you guys are so lucky still I miss that days.

  4. Just as luxury fashion brands set trends, these debates empower students to express their ideas eloquently and engage in meaningful discussions that shape their intellectual growth.
