Primary Chalkboard: Teacher Appreciation Giveaway 1

Teacher Appreciation Giveaway 1

Welcome, welcome, welcome to Primary Chalkboard's WEEK of giveaways.
Today is DAY 1 of our giveaways. 

You can win...
A Teacher Essentials TPT Pack
and a $50 Gift Card to spend at GoNoodle

Go ahead. Start shopping around with ideas on what you'd buy with $50! 

In the Teacher Essentials TPT Pack, you will receive: 
Word Wall Bundle from Karen
Math Manipulative Labels from Christina
School Gift Tags from Cyndie
Alphabet Posters from Emma
OWL Binder Forms from Jessica

Enter here!


  1. Thank you some much for this opportunity! Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of y'all!!! = )

  2. What a wonderful giveaway - thank you so much for the opportunity to win!
