Primary Chalkboard: Adjectives are Sweet!

Adjectives are Sweet!

Hi guys ~ it's Vicky from Teaching and Much Moore..I'm here to talk about adjectives with you.  My sweet, smart 3rd graders are having some trouble with adjectives this year and I feel like I have tried everything!! grr!  So I decided to try something very visual and hands on to help them out a bit. 
If you know me you know I LOVE FALL ~ like really LOVE FALL!  I'm all about the leaves changing colors ( and yes don't believe the rumors they DO change colors even here in Southern California ). 

 So why not buy a pumpkin and have them come up with adjectives to describe the pumpkin and guess what?!!?  I WROTE right on that pumpkin.  Yes I really did, I broke all the rules of:
1) carve the pumpkin
2) scoop out insides and toast/cook the seeds
3) put a candle in it to 'glow'
Yep, I just totally rebelled and got a sharpie ( oh the horror! ) and wrote all over that guy.  The kids mouths dropped a bit...I think one little guy in front had a little saliva drop down on the carpet even...I know gross.  But really that's what I did.  OK well FIRST what I did was I called kids up to touch it, try to pick it up ( it was heavy ), roll their fingers along it, etc.  Then they told me an adjective to go with what they noticed or felt.  It was great fun!

We worked on these fun pumpkin patches and sorted nouns and adjectives.  They look so fun and festive in our hallway.

If your students can use some work on this skill you can grab this pack { here }

We then still needed more work so we did an oldie but a goodie from my Fall 'bag of tricks'.  We did this FUN project and it's a freebie in my store.

I always create a LARGE candy corn and fill in everything but the middle.  Then I ask kids to give me adjectives to write in the middle.  They love it and then they make their own little one.  You could also hand out little candy corns as they are working to make it even more enjoyable.  Unfortunately I couldn't due to several special diets and allergies in my class this year.

You can grab this fun freebie { here }

I sure hope you can use these ideas in your own classroom and teach your students how 'sweet' adjectives are!  Enjoy and tell me how it goes! 
xox, Vicky

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