Primary Chalkboard: Veteran's Day Activities with Mrs. Russell

Veteran's Day Activities with Mrs. Russell

Happy Veteran's Day to all who have served and continue to serve! :)  You are so loved and appreciated! :)  I wanted to share with you some of what I did with my little learners to introduce the concept of Veteran's Day!
First up...
We read the book 
A dear friend of mine is a Veteran and partners up with me to teach phonics, so I had her talk about her experiences in the army and read the story to my firsties!
We got misty! :) 
Such a sweet story! :)
Next up, we worked on printables from my Veteran's Day freebie! :)
We brainstormed about veterans based on our in class interview and the book we read.
*I thought it was adorable that several of my girls decided to make the clip art boy into a girl! :)*

We practiced this fluency passage I put together for them! :)
I went over the comprehension questions too, to help them add to their background knowledge about Veterans.  This is the 'mid' version.  I have an easier version and a more challenging version that I will send home too.  I didn't include those in the pack.  I think I'm going to just make a bundle of the ones I've made this year into a whole pack! :)  The kids really love them!!

Next, we used the organizer to help us put together a 'quick write' on veterans.

Student Text: Veterans are heroes.  They wear uniforms. They have a home.  They could be in the army.  They could fight. They are amazing heroes.

Text: Veterans are helpful and does a lot of dangerous jobs in the army.  They have a strong heart.  They love their families.
I was really excited about how well they did.  Typically, we take several days to publish something.  These were all published in one day! :)

In the afternoon, I used the math sheets in the pack to review some previously taught skills! :)

We had a really good time using these printables! :)
If you'd like a copy of them for your room, please click HERE to download the freebie! :)

I also have a super cute craftivity for Memorial Day that I enjoyed using with my kiddos last year! :)

You can check that out on TPT by clicking HERE.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! :)

Tamara from
Mrs. Russell's Room-First Grade


  1. So excited to use your activities next week! You are fabulous!

    1. Thanks so much Leslie! :) So glad that they are useful to you! :) You're too sweet! :)

  2. That book makes you tear up for sure! Thanks for sharing! Activities look great! :)

    1. Thanks, Daina! :) The kids really liked it! :) Thanks for your encouragement!! XOXO

  3. What great resources! Thank you for sharing them.

    1. Thanks for stopping in to say hello, Brooke! :) Nice to mee'cha! :) XOXO

  4. We are making these on Tuesday and sending them to my US NAVY son's ship! They LOVE kids work! Thanks for a great resource! wendy 1stgradefireworks

    1. How fun! :0) I hope that the sailors like them!! :)

  5. I'm loving the Veterans fluency passage. Do you happen to have more? I'd love to have a year's supply that could be used for weekly homework practice. I looked in your TpT store, but didn't see any.

  6. I am new to 1st grade and these ideas are great and much appreciated! Thanks so MUCH!
    Donna Barnwell
