Welcome to Primary Chalkboard's Read Across America's Linky Party! We are here to get the
par-tay started!
Reading party that is! This week most children in schools will be celebrating this man who brought green eggs and ham to our breakfast tables!
Thank you Dr. Seuss for helping to instill a love of books and characters to our children. I know that through his books my children will never cut down a tree for fear that the Lorax will be upset with them. They will look at flowers a bit more carefully in case a "Who" speck might be on the tips of the petals. Lastly, let us not forget Christmas and not be a green Grinch!
Our linky today is all about Favourite Children's authors and books and I'd like to share a few of my favourites with you! These particular authors and books are ones that my own children and I read over and over and over (did I say over??) again. They never get tired and they always laugh at the "right places"! You know "those books"!! *Disclaimer-- I am a mother of 2 boys and my classroom is mostly boys. I do have girls and thank goodness they have a good sense of humour and love of books, too!* Afterwards, please link up your favourites below!
Mo Willems
We love the Pigeon books! I love the simplicity and humour of his books. I use his books to teach punctuation, expression in reading, and plus, they are just fun!!! He even has a web page! Click on the book to take you there!
Marc Brown
Everyone loves Arthur!! I remember reading Arthur when I was little-- in fact in elementary school our media specialist would stamp bookmarks with an Arthur stamp and that was the best bookmark ever. I love how there is always a lesson in Arthur books, too.
H.A. Rey
This is George. He lived with is his friend, the man with the yellow hat. I love the predictable text that begins every Curious George story. We love to read about his many adventures of mischief that always have a happy ending!
Robert Munsch
Some of you may know Robert Munsch for his book "I'll Love You Forever" but he actually has a lot of other books that I like a lot better (sorry to those out there! I am not a fan of the I'll Love you Forever book...). He has such a great sense of humour and Mortimer up there is one of my favourites! If you have a lot of siblings or have grown up in a big family, you will understand why. It's also a good book to read to teach about volume control! LOL!
William Kotzwinkle
I know what you are thinking... Remember my disclaimer-- mother of boys! My boys LOVE Walter! We have the series. It is such a funny book. It just goes to show that everyone, even dogs-- fart!! LOL!
Sooo, these are just some authors and books that my boys and I love to read! I know that you have some of your favourites that you read in your class and in your homes! Before, I leave, I'll leave you with the chant that the kids at our school say daily:
Feel free to download for your classroom! Click on the pic to grab a copy!
Hope you all have a fun and fabulous week! Can't wait to see what your favourite authors and books are!!
Link up below!