Primary Chalkboard

Soooo many Bright Ideas

Did you get a chance to hop around and check out the AMAZING ideas in the Bright Ideas Blog Hops?

In case you were extra busy and missed's a recap of what our uber-talented Chalkies contributed...

You can get to the specific posts by clicking the images.

Karen shared how to build reading stamina...

Nicole shared tips for improving student conversation...

Deb shared a site for finding great book sales!
Fabulously First

Katie shared organization tips... (can't figure out why blogger is changing her formatting...blogger can be such a sassafras!)

Lisa shared tips for successful Partner Reading Conversation...

Greg shared how to make glue sponges (have you seen this cutie on video yet?)...

Jessica shared small group planning ideas...

Casey shared tips for making math stations easy...
Second Grade Math Maniac

Heather shared about Testing Goody Bags...
2 Brainy Apples

Stacy shared several ways she uses numbers in the classroom...
Funky Fresh Firsties

Monica shared how to use up extra pronged folders as personal slates...

Corinna shared how to organize your A-Z readers...
Surfin' Through Second 

Laura shared how she organizes money...
Peace, Love, & First Grade

Anna shared tips for Guided Math Stations...

Alyssha shared how to keep track of who you've conferred with...

Randi shared about teaching key words in math problem-solving...
Teach It With Class 

I just had SUCH a blast reading through these posts again to snag the images! Chalkies are amazing!!! Can't believe I have not hugged a single one of them in real life! It WILL happen, though!!

P.S. You have until midnight TONIGHT, March 22nd, to enter the March Mystery Box Giveaway...

Smiles - 


Reading Center Ideas for Your Classroom!

Hi! Naomi here, from Read Like A Rock Star! This is my first post on the "chalkboard", and I'm so excited! 
I love reading centers! Ever since I was interning and watched the amazingly talented Danielle Peeples run reading centers seamlessly, I was in love. They were so organized, so effective, and so engaging. She is an incredible teacher! I started reading centers my first day of teaching, and I've never looked back. Hopefully you can get some ideas for centers in your class!

I have 18 students in my class. I have two groups of 4, and two groups of 5. Each group rotates through 4 centers EVERY day; SmartBoard, Computer, Teacher, and Reading Center. Each center lasts for 15-20 minutes.
At the board I might give them a response worksheet, a story map to fill out, a writing prompt, or a dry erase board to record their answers.

Common Core Guided Reading Sheets and Center for 1st-3rd

My table, the computer center, and the SmartBoard center are easy to take care of each day. The hardest center for me to come up with is the reading center. But I learned to work smarter and not harder. Something as simple as independent reading can happen here if you don't have a lot of time to plan. Grabbing a quick item off of TpT is always an option too! Here are some more ideas!

I put out books, a microphone for discussion, and some discussion cards and I instantly have a book club. This meeting can last up to 3 or 4 days with all of the book club activities involved.

Super "e" Heroes-A cvce Word Game

Sound Box Fun-CVC Elkonin Boxes

My last reading center tip, is to invest in a portable doorbell. I got one at Wal-Mart for about 10 bucks. I ring my bell at the end of each rotation. My students are trained to freeze, clean up their area, then switch to the next area. That's another amazing idea from my dear mentor and friend, Danielle.

Grab this Reading and Math Centers Learning Passport Freebie!

You can use the reading center passport to check if your students are reaching their learning goals during centers! It's FREE so check it out! It's a great and fun way to keep the accountable and assess what they've learned.

Hope you found this post helpful!


Fabulous and Free

Hello teacher pals.  I have a quick post about where you can find some great freebies for the next few weeks of March on into April!!!!
Spring Fling
I said it…. FREEBIES!!!! We love them! Click any picture and grab some goodies!!! If you love it tell us! Leave a comment or leave some “lovin’ it” feedback on TpT. There is a whole-lotta Chalkie goodness in here so have fun!
Fraction Leprechaun (Freebie) 
Searching for Shamrocks Syllable Sort
St. Patrick's Day 4 pages of freebiesSt. Patrick's Day - The Luck of the Irish Flip Flap Book
I'm a Lucky Bunny Craft   Fraction Flower Craftivity
A Jelly Good Time for Place Value Jellybean Graphing Freebie!
Earth Day Graphing Easter Egg  Graphing
Hippity Hop Word Work Sorting Centers FREEBIE   Bloomin' Subtraction QR Code FREEBIE!
Spring Roll & Cover Math Center (FREE}     St. Patrick's Day Number Word FREEBIE
My Spring Words Vocabulary BookletHow Tweet it is!  { Nouns Freebie}
Enjoy! That’s a lot of fun right there!
Spring Fling
New botton