Primary Chalkboard: Soooo many Bright Ideas

Soooo many Bright Ideas

Did you get a chance to hop around and check out the AMAZING ideas in the Bright Ideas Blog Hops?

In case you were extra busy and missed's a recap of what our uber-talented Chalkies contributed...

You can get to the specific posts by clicking the images.

Karen shared how to build reading stamina...

Nicole shared tips for improving student conversation...

Deb shared a site for finding great book sales!
Fabulously First

Katie shared organization tips... (can't figure out why blogger is changing her formatting...blogger can be such a sassafras!)

Lisa shared tips for successful Partner Reading Conversation...

Greg shared how to make glue sponges (have you seen this cutie on video yet?)...

Jessica shared small group planning ideas...

Casey shared tips for making math stations easy...
Second Grade Math Maniac

Heather shared about Testing Goody Bags...
2 Brainy Apples

Stacy shared several ways she uses numbers in the classroom...
Funky Fresh Firsties

Monica shared how to use up extra pronged folders as personal slates...

Corinna shared how to organize your A-Z readers...
Surfin' Through Second 

Laura shared how she organizes money...
Peace, Love, & First Grade

Anna shared tips for Guided Math Stations...

Alyssha shared how to keep track of who you've conferred with...

Randi shared about teaching key words in math problem-solving...
Teach It With Class 

I just had SUCH a blast reading through these posts again to snag the images! Chalkies are amazing!!! Can't believe I have not hugged a single one of them in real life! It WILL happen, though!!

P.S. You have until midnight TONIGHT, March 22nd, to enter the March Mystery Box Giveaway...

Smiles - 


  1. Lisa, thanks for putting together this post. It was fun to review all of these great ideas!


  2. Love looking through all of these ideas! Mahalo!!

    Corinna (✿◠‿◠)
    Surfin' Through Second
