Primary Chalkboard: Classroom Management Legos Style!

Classroom Management Legos Style!

Hi all, my name is Emma Farrell and I blog over at Clever Classroom.  I am so excited because this is my first time blogging here at the Primary Chalkboard and the first time ever on a collaborative blog.  I sure am honored to be in such fine company.

Classroom Management Legos Style! Clever Classroom via Primary Chalkboard

I am here to share with you this exciting and very simple classroom management strategy I cooked up. I hope you find it useful. 

It's so simple to implement and your students will love it.

You will need:

1 x legos board
Colored lego rectangles or squares

That's it!

Classroom Management Legos Style!

If you don't have legos, you could use any other construction toys you have like duplo or wooden blocks (the smaller ones).

Each table group (or any other group) will be allocated a color.  If you already use color names for your tables and they don't match your legos, just allocate colors that are close. 

When a table is working towards their goal, on task, helpful, display great manners, working in a team, in pairs or whatever your goal, a student places one piece of lego on the board and each time students add the same colored legos to their tower. 

Classroom Management Legos Style!

The team with the highest legos tower is the winning table/group at the end of the day or week, depending on how you want to implement it. 

Classroom Management Legos Style!

You can even add half bricks instead of a full brick, depending on what you are rewarding. 

It's ideal if you can outline your expectations and social skills at the beginning of the year to revisit them and have them as your success criteria. 

You could also create an anchor chart with your students about expectations of tables or table work.  Use  such frameworks us; students look like, sound like, have. 
Or students at tables; are, have, can, will. 

I hope this helps your classroom management program this year.

Font in images by Kimberly Geswein Fonts


Clever Classroom via Primary Chalkboard


  1. Replies
    1. You are so very welcome Cheryl.

      Regards, Emma :)

  2. This is such a clever and motivating idea! I can see adding all sorts of math questions about their towers at the end of the week too! Love it!


  3. It's a cute idea but I'm a little confused - do YOU tell them when they can add the lego? Or do they add it when THEY think things are going well?

    ~Bon Crowder @MathFour

    P.S. Your commenting system doesn't allow me to comment with normal name and url - frustrating for other bloggers to come comment on your stuff. And the OpenID thing isn't working.

    1. Thanks for dropping by Bon. I think you could add lego pieces yourself or have the children add them, it really is up to you and the objective you have for your students. Bon, regarding the comment, I can see your name and it's a clickable link. Does this help?

      Emma :)

  4. So cute and fun. I can see kids getting excited about building!

  5. Do you give prizes at the end of the month?? What do you do for successful teams?
