Primary Chalkboard: Behavior Tips and Tricks

Behavior Tips and Tricks

Hi sweet friends ~ Vicky here from Teaching and Much Moore.  I wanted to share some behavior tips that are easy peasy and seasonal.  Sometimes I think kids need a { pick me up }.  The day to day behavior procedures/consequences are in place but they might need just a little more.  Especially around the holidays or springtime when they get spring fever.
I love using the pumpkin one you see below because parent/teacher conferences are coming up and I have it up in my room.  The parents always comment on how clever or cute the idea is and who wouldn't love that right?!?
This is a very simple idea that you can implement in your classroom after a trip to the craft store.  They earn a 'piece' when they are working quietly, engaged/participating, good for a sub or at a special, etc. 
I also thought it would be fun to work on a character trait for a month and add pieces when I see them acting responsible etc. 
Try it out and let us know what you think.  They love seeing the pieces being added and it coming together.  Sometimes they are working so quietly they don't even notice right away if I sneak up and add a piece.  Once we have our creature complete there is some type of reward:  popsicle party, extra decide!  Have fun with it~  Do you think this is something you would use in your classroom?  For more fun ideas visit me over at my blog too:
Bye for now xoxox, Vicky


  1. What a great idea! I just do class tallies, this is even better!!!

  2. Now this is my kind of behavior management tip! I love this idea as it individualized but also teaching children to work towards a common goal. Love, love, love it.

  3. Perfect timing! My students are getting the hang out of it, but still need the reinforcement. This is a fun way to do it while also encouraging them to keep at it! Thank you so much for the ideas! Jen

    1. You are so welcome Jen - I hope they have fun watching their seasonal { character } being built. :o) Vicky

  4. Great idea. Could even use something from the curriculum for upper grade (like a galleon or pyramid). I just use group tallies, etc... but I'm trying to incorporate more crazy fun curriculum related rewards, like an art party or math carnival.
