Primary Chalkboard: November 2014

Cyber Savings!

It's that time of year to celebrate Cyber Monday and all the sales that come with it! 
All of the Primary Chalkboard members are celebrating by throwing a sale in their stores. 
Each of us have 20% off in our stores, PLUS 10% from TPT. This equals up to be 28% off our products. 

Check our stores out here! 

















December Writing Freebies

Hi Friends!!! It's Latoya of Flying into First Grade!!!

I am here to bring you some writing ideas for the month of December!!!
These are great freebies that can be used to practice many types of writing during the holiday season.





Happy Holidays!!!


Gifts For The Holidays

Hi everyone,

I'm stopping by today to show you what my students are making for their parents this year. I love giving my students the chance to create a gift for their parents during the holidays. Moms and dads give their kids so much all year so I think it's important to allow our students to thank their loved ones with a special present.

This year, we are making coupon books!

My students are having a blast coloring all their coupon pages and are ready to help out around their homes during their holiday break.

I let them add their own ideas to their books and I think this was their FAVORITE part! 
I love the ideas they came up with :)

You can pick up your coupon book for FREE in my TPT store.

Enjoy and happy holidays,



Christmas Lights Card and a Freebie

Hi all, it's Emma from Clever Classroom.  

I'm a little bit excited about Christmas.  How about you?  Come on, just a little bit? 

I love this time of year because after we wind down, we can spend time with family and friends and actually relax a bit!   I hope you have plans to relax too. 

I also love this time of year for the decorations and yummy food, ah the food, the dessert, the candy .... oh, I digress!

Anyway, I wanted to bring you a Christmas card idea that is really simple and only needs a few materials.

Christmas Lights Card and a Freebie

Are you making cards with your students for their families this year?

If you are and you are after something a bit different, then you might like this idea. 

I used my all time favorite throw away material..... bottle caps!

Christmas Lights Card and a Freebie

Yes, if you know me and my blog, I'm crazy for bottle caps!  I even have a Pinterest board for brilliant bottle cap ideas! 

Okay,  here's what you do to create this simple card with your students!

You will need:

one piece of paper per child, folded in half
glue (glue sticks)
ribbon (if you don't have ribbon, students could draw on the string in different lengths. 
bottle caps
and glitter


1. Fold the page in half.
2. Cut string at different lengths. Paste on the string (not too close to the edge - see picture).
3. Print bottle caps, flat side down onto the paint and under the string.
4. Sprinkle glitter on over the wet paint.
5.  Allow to dry and write on the front and inside of the card. 

All done!

 As it's almost Christmas, I wanted to give you a little freebie to say thank you for supporting our blog.

I am so grateful that you drop by to see what we're doing here in the Primary Chalkboard blog.

We have BIG things planned for the December so be sure to pop back in.

Christmas Printables for any Word List freebie

I hope this freebie helps you plan out your centers this December.

For more Christmas resource that will surely save you time this December, pop by my store, I have dozens of Christmas resources!

Christmas resources, craft and a freebie