Primary Chalkboard: Do You Need MORE Books for YOUR Classroom?

Do You Need MORE Books for YOUR Classroom?

How many times have you ever said this, "I need more books for my classroom library"!  Well, I found this nice little secret a few years back while teaching kindergarten.  I am going to share it with all of you so that you can get books the inexpensive way for your classroom library.  Have you ever heard of "Book Sale Finder"?

Click on the image to take you to their website

When you get to the website you will see the image below along with many other images on their website.  Just click on the state you live in and 

you will see the next image that tells you where all of the book sales that your local library has coming up and the dates and times to visit.  

As you can see I have one to go to in Alpharetta, GA on December 6th.  At my local library I go and get a box or two of books for about $10.00 per box. (they usually run .50 each) I also find VHS movies really cheap since nobody has a VHS player anymore except me in my classroom!  If you get there early on the first day they open, or go when they have a "library card holder" preview, you can make out like a bandit in the book territory.  I then can use them to send home with my kids and not worry about them getting lost because they can be replaced at the next book sale.  

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, they have a Facebook page so click on the link below and follow them to get notifications.

        Here's to happy reading and book finding!
Deb at Fabulously First...



  1. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to have to check that out for my area. I'm sure I can find quite a few books!

    What I Have Learned

  2. What a fabulous resource! Thanks for sharing! I am always on the look out for ways to find cheaper books :)

  3. Thank you! I just found 2 upcoming sales where I live :)
