Primary Chalkboard: Day 21 of PC's Advent Calendar!

Day 21 of PC's Advent Calendar!

Hi there. It's Karen from Mrs. Jones's Class!  I am here for Day 21 of Primary Chalkboard's Advent Calendar with a little goodie that you can use with your class (if, like me, you still have Monday and Tuesday left to go before break!) ...OR... with your own kidlets at home!

A Letter to Santa!

In color and black and white!

One of my readers mentioned she is using this letter writing template as a station during her party this week. I loved that idea!

And as a sidenote, I have to tell you why this freebie has a special place in my heart-- last year, a blogging friend posted this picture that was featured in her local newspaper. 
Ummmm.... OMG! There it is!  
I had a 15 seconds of fame moment.... well, more like 1 second, but I loved it still. :)

Have a great holiday everyone!

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