Primary Chalkboard: Balanced Math and a couple of FREEBIES!!!

Balanced Math and a couple of FREEBIES!!!

Our school has definitely embraced balanced math rotations this year and I love it.  It has been going really well and my students absolutely love it!

This is how we do it in my room...
I have 3 math groups(high-cameras, medium-high-tickets, and low-popcorns).
There are three rotations(guided math, independent math, and math games).
Here is a picture of my rotation and groups schedule for balanced math.  I just had to make sure it went with my movie themed room!

You can grab the posters HERE!

I see each group for 15 minutes everyday.  I start with the low group doing guided math with me.  At the end of their guided math lesson I can explain the individual work to them.  I start the high group with individual work because they don't need guidance from me to get it done. 

I start the math period with a whole group review(5 min).  We complete math morning work(10 min). We do a whole group mini lesson (10 min).  We do rotations(45 min).  We do more whole group time, closing, and review(20 min).

And now some more FREEBIES that are not even on TPT!  I have used these during my math rotations this year!!!  Enjoy!!!

1-Number Quantities on a Ten Frame

2-Math tasks

3-French Fry Fact Family

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  1. I just started Daily 5 in my room this year and I've been itching to try out some math groups as well! This looks great!! Thanks for sharing :-)

    Mr. First Grade

  2. This looks great! Thank you for the freebies! I am just starting guided math in my room so I am loving all the teachers that are sharing how and what they do!! It is SO much harder than guided reading-not as much out there but it is growing!


  3. TeachMeWell - Online Math Help - education for children Aged 5 to 10 (Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5) - Math lessons click here math practice

  4. I am hoping to see the same high-grade maths calculator, Thanks for ideas

  5. I'm sorry, could you please provide more context or information about what you are looking for? I'm not sure how to help you with just the phrase "Balanced Math and a couple of FREEBIES!!!" without additional information.
