Primary Chalkboard: Thanksgiving Math With Teaching and Tapas

Thanksgiving Math With Teaching and Tapas

Hi everyone! It's Alyssha from Teaching and Tapas!
I am writing here all snuggled in my pajamas at 6:30 pm because I am fighting some serious exhaustion. It's the GOOD kind of exhaustion though! Late last night I flew back into Madrid after spending the past 5 days in Rome for our regional Professional Development conference. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to realize that I am living in Spain and a weekend trip like this is no longer only a dream! It's fun and I am so THANKFUL for these adventures happening in my life!

This trip wasn't only pasta, pizza, and vino. I spent most of it inside a conference room. Luckily, I was learning some great stuff! One presentation in particular stands out. We learned all about using the Singapore Math bar model method.

With Common Core, this year I have been all expecting my students to use a model to show their understanding. This is another model that is great for any teacher or classroom! This model can't work with ALL word problems, but it think it is another modeling tool that I am excited to share with my students.

I am going to delve into using this modeling method with my students this week using a little Thanksgiving problem solving freebie I am happy to share with you all! 

This FREEBIE includes 12 problem solving questions that fit perfectly with the upcoming holiday! Download it here. Enjoy :)



  1. Hope you are feeling better soon, Alyssha! We teach the part/part/whole method as well as the comparison model. I usually have my kiddos explain their rationale more than draw a model. Love the model idea though! Thanks for the freebie! xoxo!

  2. Wow, Alyssha! I am waaaay in love with this! :) Thanks so much for a great resource! :) These will be great for some of my high firsties! :) I can't wait to see some of the models they come up with as I work on a few of these through fall! :) Wish me luck! :) I'll make sure to tell you how we're doing!! :) Can't wait to dig in!!! :) XOXO

  3. This is a really good article. We appreciate you sharing this information with us. I enjoy seeing what you do each day. In second grade, we follow a similar math regimen, and my classmate and I were just discussing how beneficial it has been for building the groundwork for later concepts! Right now, we're focusing on having and adding and subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers. In every other case, I use the top best report writing service service for our business. mostly because it's a useful site for my homework.

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