Primary Chalkboard: ChalkTalk: October Edition

ChalkTalk: October Edition

You are cordially invited to our ChalkTalk Vlog Linky!


A series of videos that highlight our teaching tips and tricks, and we hope you all love it as much as we do! Oh, and don’t worry, it’s going to be paid product-free! Only IDEAS or FREEBIES will be highlighted!

Look for a new ChalkTalk at the beginning of EVERY.SINGLE.MONTH.  Hit us back up on the FIRST Wednesday of each month! Mark your calendars! Woo hoo!

You can find the links to ALL Chalkies videos on each of our own ChalkTalk vlog posts, as well as at the bottom of this post. Simple!!!

Because sometimes watching a blog post is way more fun than reading one J And who doesn’t love to FINALLY hear what your Chalkies actually sound like?! AND who doesn’t LOVE getting something for nothing??!!!

Just click on the Chalkie below whose video you want to watch! You will be taken to our own vlog post that gives an overview of our video, and then you just click on the video. Easy peasy!

We would LOVE to know what you think of our ChalkTalk, so please please please leave us a comment below! We love reading and responding to you!

 Happy Watching!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! My pregnancy brain can absorb a video better than reading right now :)
