Primary Chalkboard: Wednesday- Favorite Reading Strategies and Tips

Wednesday- Favorite Reading Strategies and Tips

Day 3 of Seuss Week here at Primary Chalkboard! 
Jessica here from Second Grade Nest....
I'm here to talk about Reading Strategies and Tips today! 

So, I am going to list five tips that I love using in my classroom.

Tip #1:
 Utilize your school's book room and any sort of Guided Reading class sets! 
If your school doesn't offer this, look into the library for this. You could even take a book from the Guided Reading list, rent it from the library, copy it and staple it as a book (if you can't find enough sets). But if your school has a book room, do use it!! 

Tip #2:
Make sure to differentiate! 
I know you hear this all the time and I know that it is something that you know to do as a teacher, but within your first or second grade class, you definitely have pre-K readers or fourth grade readers. It isn't fair to give your children the same learning. Make sure to give your different levels different activities. This is where small group and centers comes in handy! 
Books to show the differences between reading levels. 
Sight word readers and chapter books. I have a very big range in my classroom! 

Tip #3:
Are they getting it?
Make sure they are comprehending what they are reading. First grade is all about word attack skills and fluency, but once they hit second grade, we are expecting them to read fluently and understand what they are reading. Grab this freebie from my store to keep your kiddos understanding during their Read to Self or Read to Buddy time. 
Cut these apart and put them on a binder ring to keep in their book bins or book bags. 

Tip #4:
Keep it fun! 
My kids love to do other things than just read during our reading lessons. We love using our witch fingers to track. They love using pointers and craft sticks to find different words. And they love using index cards as bookmarks, but little do they know... these are used as exit slips when they write one event that happened from the story! And their absolute favorite is getting a Post-It! 

Tip #5: 
Keep them accountable. 
Make sure you are doing partner talk! Making them turn and talk to a partner about what they are reading is one way to make sure they are getting it. And being independent and responsible at the same time. 
Another way to keep them accountable is to keep a learning log. In our learning log, we write about our listen to reading, we write about our word work, we do interactive notebook pieces with our reading book for the day. 

Link up below! 


  1. Thanks Jessica for the great tips!! I love the self checking cards! I just started using the witch fingers this year and I am loving how excited the kids are. You are correct in saying that they want to do everything else but read! The witch fingers work like magic. I'll be linking up shortly!
    More Than Math by Mo

  2. Jessica, your post reminded me that I have been meaning to head over to the $ store, to see what little fun goodies I can find. Thanks for the tips!

